Please Don't.. ~ GreenBow

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This oneshot takes place after Blue Steve was destroyed. The Green Steve is the one that was infected, but was then healed. This was requested by 2026gmiller, thank you for the request! I am so so sorry this took over a year to write, I’m so sorry.

!!TW: Mentions of Suicide and Character Death!!


~ Rainbow Steve's PoV ~

I did it.

I actually did it..

I.. I absorbed Blue Steve. 

I can’t believe I actually did it. 

Him even needing to be absorbed in the first place is my fault. It’s my fault. Nightmare Steve was aiming for me. If I didn’t get us stuck in that cave, if I wasn't so idiotic, then he would still be alive. My best friend is dead because of me. 

Hot tears run down my face, and I don’t stop them. I make no effort to. I sniffle, unable to get a word out. All the noice I make is the sounds of my sobs.

I fall to my knees, unable to keep myself standing. I can feel the cold from the snow-covered ground. The snow makes the fabric from my pants damp. The cold from them seeps into my legs, but I don’t care. I deserve any suffering I get because of this. Because of my foolishness.

Sobs rack through me, nothing to stop them from continuing. I want to cry until I have no more energy. Until I have no energy to even exist. How am I supposed to save all the Steves if I can’t even save one from Nightmare? How am I supposed to save everybody?

I can’t. I can’t save everybody. They picked the wrong Steve for this job. I should just save everyone the disappointment and remove the problem. Me. I'm the problem. (It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me- /lyr /ref). I should just rid the world of me before I ruin anyone else’s life, or they end up dead because of me. It’d save everybody a lot of trouble and pain. Nobody would miss me anyways. I should just do it.

I scream, not a scream of fear, but a scream of pain and sadness. I don’t care if anyone heard or not. I don’t care.

I stand, and I walk to the edge of the cliff that's nearby. If I jumped, and then did lightning on myself, it’d kill me. Or at least make me unstable enough to where I would fall apart from the inside out. My energy would be too unstable to keep me alive. Nobody is here to stop me, either.

“Rainbow, wait!”

I freeze, silent tears still running down my face, not stopping. That voice sounds familiar. But nobody else is here. Or at least that’s what I thought. Or maybe I am alone, and my head is just playing tricks on me. I don’t turn around though. I can’t bring myself to.

“Rainbow please, don’t do this,” the voice speaks again.

“Why not?” I manage to get out, my voice breaking as I do.

“Because, it won’t fix anything,” the voice mumbles.

“You don’t know that,” I snap back, my voice trembling.

There is a silence before the voice speaks once again. “What do you think this would fix?”

“Everything,” I respond with.

“It won't, trust me it won't fix everything. We need you, Rainbow. I need you,” the voice says, and that's when I turn around.

It’s Green Steve. The one that I helped heal when he got infected. But how is he here? I haven't seen him in months, and Blue and I have travelled far away from where we last saw eachother.

“How are you here?” I mumble.

“That’s not important right now, Rainbow. What’s important is getting you away from that edge. Please, step away from the cliff,” Green Steve responds, and I can tell from his voice that he’s trying not to cry.

“But why. Why should it?” I ask, my voice slightly raising in volume, but not out of anger, out of fear. Fear of becoming more of a failure then I already am.

“Because, people care about you. People need you. What about Blue Steve?” Green Steve responds, silent tears now running down his face.

“Blue Steve is gone, Green. He’s gone because of me,” I manage to get out before I go back to sobbing.

“..What?” Green whispers in shock.

“Nightmare went to destroy me but Blue stepped in. I had to absorb him, Green, and it’s my fault he had to be absorbed,” I cut myself off with a sob. “He’s dead and it’s my fault, because I couldn't protect him.”

“Oh Rainbow,” he says as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me, engulfing me into a hug. “That’s not your fault. Blue made the choice to step in. He took that risk knowing the possible outcome. It’s not your fault, buddy.”

I hug him back, burying my head into his shoulder as I cry even more. He slowly lowers us to the ground, a bit farther away from the cliffs edge, and starts rubbing circles on my back, keeping me in his warm embrace. We both adjust our position, him sitting with his legs out while I curl up on his legs, leaning into him, while he has his arms around me.

He whispers comforting phrases, such as “you’re okay” and “it’s not your fault”, as he continues to rub circles on my back, while his other hand gently holds my head into his shoulder.

“He was my best friend,” I manage to get out, my voice trembling and breaking. “I don’t know what to do without him.”

“I know he was, Rainbow. But he’ll always be with you, always a part of you, whether you can see him or not. He’ll be watching over you in a safer place now,” Green murmurs to be comfortingly.

He’s right, Blue will always be apart of me. Literally. I absorbed him. And I guess he is in a safer place now; the World Beyond. He’ll be safer there, more protected. Nightmare Steve can’t get to him there.

I yawn, all the crying catching up to me. My eyes become more heavy as the energy I had before leaves. I slowly doze off, Green telling me I’m safe and that I need to rest. Soon enough, I fall asleep in his arms.

~ Third Persons PoV ~

Once Rainbow Steve falls asleep, Green Steve softly smiles, happy knowing that he was able to help stop his friend from doing something that could’ve, and probably would’ve, killed him. Though, he worries that next time he won’t be able to stop Rainbow Steve the next time he feels this way.

Mentally, Green Steve makes a promise; to never leave Rainbows Side, no matter what. He will always be there for his best friend.


Wooo fluff end!

This took me a year to write, im- I’m so sorry this took a whole year to get finished. I am so sorry.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter!

~ Unicorn

[Published July 25, 2023.]

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