We Meet in Death ~ BlueBow

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Why hello there. This chapter wasn't requested, I just really wanted to do another BlueBow oneshot.

!!! TW: Mentions of Death, Mentions of Injuries and Burns !!!


~ Rainbow's PoV ~

The lightning blinds me, all I feel is a soft burning feeling then... nothing. I can't feel anything. I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. It's just... nothing.

I try to remember what happened; my memories blurred. I want to remember, I want to know. But I don't know if I can.

I think long and hard about what happened, how I came here. It comes like a flood. Void. Sabre and Galaxy bother injured. Jumping between them. Being destroyed.


I was destroyed.

I'm dead.


"That is correct, Rainbow Steve." A new unknown voice speaks, though they sound very distant.

I turn around- or at least I think I do- and see a cloaked figure staring back at me. His hood covers most if his face, leaving a shadow that barely stops before his mouth. The cape of the cloak billows behind him like a cape. He has big white wings, almost like the wings of an angel (headcanon of mine). The cape is a dark gray, almost black. He wears lighter gray pants as well.

"Who are you?" I ask, nervous.

"I am the Guardian of the Spirit World. I am here to welcome you, Rainbow Steve, to where you will rest," he says, and walks closer to me.

Once he is in arms length, he offers me a hand. I look at his hand, and then back at him. If this is the Guardian of the Spirit World, that means... I'm dead. I... died. I won't be able to see my friends again. I-

"Rainbow Steve. Take my hand, and you'll be able to rest. You'll be able to be at peace once more," The Guardian says. 

I look up at him, tears threatening to leave my eyes. I don't want to leave the world, not just yet. I still had so much to do. I... I never got to apologize to Sabre and Galaxy Steve for betraying them. I... I'll never be able to go on another adventure with Sabre...

I take a deep breath, attempting to prepare myself, but ultimately failing. I take his hand, and upon contact, a white glow emits from our hands. The white glow consumes us, and then we're in a different... world?

It looks like the overworld, but without any colour. It's all shades of grey and white. 

I look around in awe, amazed by this world.

"Welcome, Rainbow Steve, to the Spirit World," the Guardian says.

Out of nowhere, I'm hit with a wave of... memories? Yes. Memories. Memories of.. my past. Memories from before I met Sabre.

I.. remember.

"Go find him," the Guardian says, and I know who's he talking about. "go find Blue Steve."

I nod and start to walk away. The memories continue to flood to me, all of them from the past that I forgot. I can't believe that I forgot about everyone. Especially Blue...


I groan in annoyance. I've been wandering for what feels like hours and I still haven't found Blue Steve. What if... What if Blue Steve isn't even here? He has to be, right?

I sigh, the sound of running water comforting me. I look out at the giant lake, the water glistening in the sunlight.

I think of my past, and I get lost in it. That is, until I hear rustling in the bushes nearby. I quickly turn my head in the direction of the noise, grabbing a stick just in case. One can never be too careful.

I figure emerges from the bushes, one that I gave up on finding. The figure then looks at me and freezes.

There he is. My boyfriend. Blue Steve.

But he looks... different.

His once tidy azure blue hair is now all fluffy and unruly, his cornflower shirt is torn and burnt, and his cobalt blue jeans are torn, burnt, and dirty as well. On his face, burns and scratches are visible, his once lively royal blue eyes are now dull. He looks like he just walked through the World Below.

"Blue... Steve?" I murmur.

"R-Rainbow..." Blue barely gets out, his voice soft and distant.

He goes to say something, but he falls. I rush over and catch him before he hits the ground. His breathing is shallow and his eyes don't flutter open. He's passed out.

I pick him up gently in a bridal style hold and carry him around, trying to find the Guardian. I call for the Guardian, but he doesn't show. He said if I needed him, just to call out for him. Why isn't he showing up?

I sigh. I sit us down by the lake that I brought us back to. I lay him down on my lap. I carefully brush my fingers through his hair, waiting for him to wake up.

While I do this, I put a hand on his chest and use my abilities to heal him. While the Guardian said I shouldn't do this, I can't just leave Blue Steve in this state.

After an hour, Blue Steve stirs. His eyes flutter open, squinting against the sun. He brings his hands to his face, covering it against the sun. He groans and then sits up. He removed his hands from his face and looks at me.

"Rainbow Steve?" He whispers. I nod, smiling.

"Yes, it's me," I say, and he wraps his arms around my neck, burying his face into my chest, and he sits on my lap. He wraps his legs around my waist.

I wrap my arms around his middle. I rest my chin on top of his hair, breathing in its scent.

"I love you, Rain," Blue Steve murmurs, snuggling closer to me.

"I love you too, bluebell."


*Squeals of cuteness*

I love this.

I would've given Blue Steve the nickname Orchid, but I feel like that is used a lot and I wanted to give him a different nickname.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

(Requests are open still)

~ Unicorn

Published June 7th, 2022.

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