Have I Let You Down? ~ YellowLight

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I was listening to the song Let You Down by NF when I started writing this and it was my inspo- sorry not sorry. 

Takes place during Demon Void era.

This is part one of a two part oneshot! Let me know if you want part two after this!

!! TW: Mentions of Character Death !!

~ Yellow Steve's PoV ~

I pace around the living room that me and Light share. Light is currently on one final scoutting mission for the Colourless Guard. He always comes home late due to having extra missions than me. While a logical person would think that it's because he's the leader of the Guard, my brain makes me think that it's because of me.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's only dating me out of pity and not wanting to hurt my feelings. I mean, why would someone as powerful and strong as Light Steve want to date just a Yellow Steve like me? In the beginning, he was dating the Orange Leader when he was still an Orange Steve, but they parted ways midway through the era of Reverse Steve. Then midway through the era of the Rainbow Kingdom, Light and I started dating. Honestly, I'm a huge downgrade compaired to the Orange Leader.

I sigh as more of my thoughts consume me. What if.. what if he didn't want to take the last mission of the day but uses it as a way to get away from me? What if he hates me?

I don't even know how I became a Colourless Elite, let alone a Guard in general. I'm weak. I'm pathetic. I'm a disappointment. I've let everyone down. To prove it even more, I've failed my three latest missions against Void Steve and his demon army. I was supposed to make it so that they can't escape, since I'm about energy and all, but I failed. Three times. I don't see why Light or the Leaders keep me around.

Tears run down my face and I sob into my hands, all the negative thoughts I've held at bay push through my mental wall. I've tried to hold these negative thoughts away for so long, but I can't keep it up. I can't keep pretending to be strong when I feel so weak. I can't keep up this facade of me being strong anymore. I don't know how I've kept it up for as long as I have, but I can't keep it up anymore. 

I'm... I'm not strong enough. I never have been and I never will be. I'm a mistake. I should've died at the damned volcano instead of citrine. Corruption should've killed me instead of him. Void should've killed me instead of Rain- Orange. It should've been me instead of Funny who died.

I curl up into a ball of weakness and sorrow, crying my time away.

I didn't notice the door opening.

Or the footsteps coming towards me.

Or the strong, muscled arms wrapping around me.

The only acknowledgement I show is curling into the strong chest, clinging to the thin shirt of the owner. They wrap their muscled legs around me, creating a nest around me. I cry into the persons chest, my tears creating a wet spot on the thin fabric. They rub comforting circles on my back, resting their chin on my head. 

"Yellow?" a gruff voice comes from above my head. 

I slowly bring my head away from the chest it was buried in, looking up to see Light Steve. His moon-white hair is unruly, many strands out of the long, lose braid the rest is in. His snow white eyes hold a question. He never stops rubbing my back comfortingly. 

"What's wrong?" Light asks. 

Instead of answering, I hurridly bury my face back into his chest, breaking into a sobbing mess once again. He huffs a breath, continuing to rub my back. His breath tickles my head, causing me to slightly shiver. I softly blush from embarrassment as well. I never cry in front of people. That's a sign of weakness. Weakness is something I cannot afford. Not now, not ever. Not when people's lives and kingdoms are at stake.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. 

I try to speak, but all that comes out are sobs. They grow louder and my throat starts to feel like it's burning. I start coughing, unable to keep them at bay. 

"Light, have-" I cut myself off with a hiccup. 

"Have you what, darling?" Light asks me. 

I take a deep breath. 

"Have I let you down?"


Well, there you have it. Let me know if you guys want the part two!


Published June 19, 2022

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