Leader Cuddles ~ Orange Leader x Yellow Leader

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This is fluff.

F l u f f

So, this chapter was unexpected. Basically, sleepy me had the urge to write a fluff chapter at 11:15 pm, and this is the result. This chapter is posted the day/morning after I originally wrote the chapter. I kept the two little author note things in the brackets because they're kinda funny, idk why. My humor might be broken.

Basically, just small fluff between the Orange and Yellow Leaders during Corrected Sun Rainbow Kingdom era. Why? Because we need fluff after the angst chapters I've written. 

Onto the fluff...


~ Orange Leader's POV ~

I pace around my quarters in the Citadel in the Rainbow Kingdom, trying to think of a way to stop the Corrected Sun and the food shortage that the kingdom is facing. If we don't think of a solution soon, then the people will go hungry, and the Corrected Sun will have more fuel to turn the people against us.

I sigh, and collapse onto the soft orange carpet beneath me. I shove my face into my hands as I yawn, all the stress tiring me out. I curl up into a ball, not moving from the rug, even though my bed is five steps away. I'm tired... I think to myself. But, my stubbornness and determination on figuring out a solution won't let my brain calm down so I can rest. Ugh.

While many thoughts rush through my head, I start to fall asleep. My eyes become heavy, and I yawn once again. (Not me yawning when writing this sentence.) I put my hands underneath my head for more support, and I slowly drift into sleep.

~ Yellow Leader's POV ~

I look around the Citadel to find the Orange Leader, as I need to talk to him about something. The meeting only ended ten minutes ago, and I can't find him. I feel like I've looked everywhere.

As I search, I bump into an Elite Colourless Guard.

"Oh, my apologies, your majesty," the Guard says, and bows in respect.

"It's quite alright. Have you seen the Orange Leader, by any chance? I need to talk to him about something," I ask the Guard, and he looks to the side to think.

"I believe he was headed to his quarters, the last time I saw him," the Guard informs me, and I thank him.

I head towards his chambers, mentally scolding myself for not thinking of checking there first. Of course I check everywhere but his quarters, and I get told he's most likely in his quarters. (Me when I lost something and I'm tryna find it.)

Once I reach his door, I lift my hand to knock, but I hesitate. I shake the hesitation off, and I gently knock on the door. I wait and listen for a response or for really anything, but nothing happens. So, I knock again.

I wait five minutes before I realize he's probably not answering. Worry fills me, and I decide to open the door myself. Orange never leaves his door locked in case for an emergency.

When I open the door, I see Orange curled up on his carpet, asleep. I sigh, and walk over to him, softly closing the door behind me as to not wake him. I smile softly, warmth filling my heart.

The topic I wanted to talk to him was my feelings towards him. I've liked Orange for a while now, but haven't had the bravery to say anything. He's always so caring and positive, not to mention a gentle, but productive and a good leader. He's my everything.

I sit behind him, and I start to mindlessly run my fingers through his hair as I get lost in my thoughts. I don't realize that I woke him until he softly sighs, bringing me back to reality.

I look down at him to see him smiling at me. I smile back. He gets up and crawls towards me. He sits on my lap, wrapping his legs around both sides of me, and snuggles into my chest. I giggle softly at this, and he quietly purrs in satisfaction.

"I love you, Orange Leader," I whisper to him, confessing my feelings.

"I love you too, Yellow Leader," he whispers back, and snuggles into my chest again.

I soon hear his soft snores, signaling he's asleep. I smile, and continue to play with his hair, gentle enough as to not wake him. I see him softly smile, and my smile widens.

I soon fall asleep with the Orange Leader in my arms, both of us softly smiling.



*Squeals in cuteness*

This was longer than I thought it would be, but I love it. It's so fluffy. I like the fluff.

Also, this book is almost at 2k reads, and I cannot believe it. I might write a special chapter for it, I don't know. (Idk if I will, it depends if I get an idea in time and I have motivation and time.) 

Anyways, requests are open still!

Have a good day / night

~ Unicorn

Published May 1st, 2022

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