I Can't Lose You ~ M x Sabre

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This one was requested by Itz_Moosey! This is going to take place in Rainbow Quest Aftermath, but Sabre is still in the world. The demons are back and war is looming over the Steves' heads. Prepare for more angst to fluff.

!!Warning: Near-Death, Blood, and Mentions of Character Death!!

~ Third Person POV ~

After the events of the time loop, all was well. Sabre was able to stay in the world and helped the different chromatic kingdoms thrive even more than they already were. Everything was going smoothly.

After a while, Sabre and the Red Leader, or known as M, finally got into a relationship. This was a long awaited event. Everyone wanted them to get together. Even the other chromatic Leaders, Professor Red, Hypno, Light, and the civilians of the different kingdoms. When the relationship was announced, everyone was thrilled. Everyone was happy for the couple. Everyone thought they were the perfect couple. Until they weren't.


"What are we going to do?!" M asks, calmly.

M and his boyfriend, Sabre, are surrounded by Demon Steves that are ready to kill or send them to the World Below. Sabre whipps his head side to side, trying to think of a plan on how to get both of them out of this tricky situation safely.

"I-I-" Sabre tries to form words.

Sabre sighs, and takes out his sword. He starts to fight off the Demon Steves, but doesn't notice that one grabbed M and held a sword to his throat. Sabre continues to fight off the Demons, and M just glares at him for not noticing his predicament.

Once Sabre kills the rest of the Demon Steves, he turns around to see that M isn't there.

M coughs, getting his boyfriend's attention.

Sabre turns around and sees the Demon Steve holding a sword to M's throat. Sabre grips his sword tightly, unsure as to what to do. The Demon Steve holds the sword closer to M's throat, starting to draw a little bit of blood. Sabre watches as the blood slowly trickles down M's throat and is cut off by his shirt, getting more agitated by the second.

"Let him go," Sabre grits, venom seeping into his tone. "Or else."

The Demon Steve laughs. He says something in another language, but neither Sabre nor M are able to translate what he said. Sabre continues to glare at the Demon, but it isn't visible underneath his bandana.

The Demon Steve moves the sword even closer to M's neck, drawing even more blood. The human and Red Steve knew that if the Demon Steve continued, M would die from blood loss or being decapitated. The Demon laughs, a dreadful sound that rings throughout the forest. That, along with the scent of blood and death and the corpses of other Demons surrounding them, left this peaceful walk turn into a horror scene.

"I'm warning you. Let. Him. Go." Sabre threatens, preparing to attack the Demon. The Demon laughs again, and speaks.

"You can't attack mE, oR you'll hurt your red friend" the Demon speaks, almost inaudible due to the demonic static-like sound that occurs when they speak.

Sabre knew that this Demon Steve was correct. He can't attack them without possibly hurting M. But he can't just let the Demon Steve continue to hurt, or risk them killing, his boyfriend and the leader of the Red Steves.

The Demon Steve laughs.

"I have no use for tHis Red Steve anymore," the Demon Steve says, and cuts M's throat all the way.

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