Devil's Snare

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Gotham Park, the trees are coming to life, with a menacing green aura, Harley, Ivy and (Y/N) are going defending themselves from forestation.

Harley: (dodging a branch swing) Whoa! Oh! We gotta stop this.

(Y/N): (grabbing onto a branch) Yeah, I think, (he jabs the tree with it's own branch) that's easier said than done.

Harley: If Gotham's destroyed we gotta move and there's no way I'm living' in Metropolis. (to Ivy) So do your plant control thingie and put an end to this.

Ivy: (while trying to control a rogue tree) Yeah, you know what, you're really taking the romance out of it when you just call it my "plant control thingie." (a tree monster grabs onto a balloon vendor) Hey buddy. Stop. (it looks at her before eating him) I... I can't control them. I've... They... They've mutated!

Harley: (as the tree monster surround them) Maybe they'll respond to heavy scolding? You are being very disrespectful!

A tree goes to swing at them.

(Y/N): (grabbing onto their hands and running away) Run.

As they run through some non roided trees, we see that, King, Heather, Evie, Clayface, Psyho and (who I thought was dead) Sy, are on the other side.

King: Look at that, Ivy has procured us a tree army.

Harley: (waving her hands up and down) She can't control the plants.

Clayface: (excited) Yes, Harley. Hurrah!

Psycho: Uh, I don't think those trees are on our side.

Evie: (noticing them) That's because they aren't.

Heather: (grabbing her hand) Run!

The crew runs as (Y/N), Harley sand Ivy join them. A tree throws spikes at them.

Ivy: (after a spike tears one side of her collar) Argh! This is my favorite top. Dick!

Sy: (spikes land on his spine) Ow! (he can suddenly get up; happily) Sweet Roosevelt's ghost! Acupuncture works. (he jumps around) I'm healed, baby! (spikes land on the back of his calf; he falls back onto his chair; indifferent) Ah. Easy come, easy go.

Clayface: (a barrage of spikes go through his chest, before they stop and some get lodged in his chest) Argh! Oh, I am slain!

The group surround him.

Harley: (holding him up) Clayface, no!

Clayface: If thou be merciful... Open the tomb... And lay with... Juliet. (his hand falls and he  closes his eyes, everyone gasps, but since he's made of clay and somehow they forgot about it, he jumps up; excitedly) And scene!

Ivy: Oh, my god!

Psycho: That deserves a suicide.

They're then surrounded by the tree monsters.


At the top of the GCPD, Commissioner Gordon is looking at the park through his binoculars.

Jim: Sweet Jesus, the park's filled with murderous plants. Thank God we canceled Jazz Fest. The way I see it, there's only one option. Bomb the damn place to kingdom come.

(Imma be honest I love how funnily psychotic and messed up the head of the GCPD is, compared to his seriousness, in his other iterations)

Batman, Red Robin, and Batwoman appear behind him.

Batman: Jim... there are innocent people there.

Jim: Well, it's not our fault if they don't check their social and see Jazz Fest was canceled.

The Threesome (Harley Quinn X Male Reader X Poison Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now