New Gotham

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On a T.V. broadcast we see the president of the U.S.A.

President: My fellow Americans, it's been decades since Gotham City once exemplified American prosperity. But one week ago, it hit the point of no return when the Joker seized control and instituted martial law. (we then see the crew watching the news) Last night, his base of operations, the Joker Tower, came crashing to the ground, triggering an 8.6 earthquake that leveled the city. Sadly, Gotham is beyond saving. (they all gasp) So it is with a heavy heart that I hereby declare that Gotham City is no longer part of the United States. It is civitas non grata. God bless the United States of America, and God help Gotham City.

They all look down sadly, before Harley looks up happily.

Harley: Fuck yeah!


On the streets we see people fighting each other, two dogs fighting for an arm, looking to the side we see a man whose lost both his arms, besides him are two people fighting for his other arm. That's when Harley passed by in her ride, a Joker bumper car turned sleigh, which is hauled by Bud and Lou, Harley's new hyenas.

Harley: (honking an air-horn) Honk honk, motherfuckers!

She heads towards the mall.


Arriving inside, we see Psycho and Ivy are reading a book, (Y/N)'s cleaning one of his guns, Evie's playing with Rover, Heather's relaxing on the couch, Clayface and Sy are getting warm on a literal dumpster fire, and King's brushing his pet Llama's hair.

Harley: Home, sweet home. (petting them both) Good job, my little baby drivers. (grabbing a doggie bag) I got a treat for ya. (she throws a stake from the bag and they both fight for it) Now, Bud and Lou, don't you fight. (she throws another one) There's one for each of ya. And for my big babies, (opening the front hatch to reveal a sushi chef) I brought dinner!

Psycho: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Those beasts get steak and we gotta eat this guy? Are we living in a mall or a zoo?

King: (petting a llama) I like to think of it as both now.

Harley: No, we're not eating him. This is Takashi, a sushi chef. He's got a Michelin star!

She throws him to King.

King: I gotta admit, I was excited to eat a person, especially since I already had sushi, but I guess it's fine. (putting him in his shoulder) Come here!

Clayface: (while he and Psycho following them) Takashi, would it be gauche to ask for a spider roll, or are you strictly omakase?

Harley: Ive, (Y/N), are you two not jazzed about sushi?

Ivy: No, no. I mean, I like Takashi's hand rolls as much as the next gal, but don't you think it's time to kinda like wrap up this party up?

(Y/N): Y'know, it's been three weeks since you took down Joker. There's no Legion of Doom. Dad's in a coma. Gotham is yours for the taking.

Harley: I am having a blast! This is what I've always wanted, guys. Anarchy and sushi!

She blows an airhorn.

Ivy: Yeah, I mean, you definitely could've had better sushi when Gotham had refrigeration and free trade with the rest of America, but...

Clayface spits feathers.

Clayface: Is this a bird?

Ivy: Trust me. Seriously, you're gonna be kicking yourself if you don't take charge.

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