Something Green

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At City Hall, everyone's gathered as GNN's Tawny Young covers the key awarding ceremonies.

Tawny: Tawny Young reporting live from Gotham City Hall as the mayor, in a rare public appearance, has come out to honor the heroes who fought so bravely in the Battle of Gotham.

Mayor: (as he gives a key to the line of people which consist of: Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Space Cabbie, Tommy Tomorrow, Vibe and Jim) I present you each with a key to the city. There you go, Superman and, of course, Wonder Woman and Batman. Check out that grip. There you go, space cabbie. Couldn't have done it without you.

Jim: Who the fuck are these guys?

Tawny: Commissioner Gordon, what do you think of this beautiful ceremony?

Jim: I'm just so honored to be getting a key to the city seeing as I was here the whole time protecting lives. The Mayor's probably saving the best for last like I did with the Mission Impossible movies. I watched one first, but then I went to four...

Tawny: Mmm-hmm. Let's listen.

Mayor: There's one last person I need to thank today. (as Jim starts to get proud) If it weren't for him, our city would still be riddled with supervillains. This mustachioed servant of the people may not have powers but, man, he sure is super. That's right, citizens. I hereby honor... (grabbing the key offered by his assistant) myself.

The public starts to cheer.

Jim: What? What about me? We helped this city together. Not him. Seriously, I think I've seen this guy like one other time, like, ever.

As the cameraman continues to record Jim's outrage, a shadow overcomes them, a body falls onto the stairs, the crowd gasps seeing as it's the goddamn President of the U.S. of the motherfucking A, beaten to a pulp, (Y/N) then lands besides him with his right foot on the presidents cheek, the heroes take their stances.

(Y/N): Hello, (pointing at himself) I'm Death incarnate, my very existence proves that anything can die. (poking the president's ribs with his scythe) Isn't that right, Mr. President?

The President nods half consciously.

Bruce: What's the meaning of this?

(Y/N): Well, our little president made a deal with a devil and didn't follow through with it. (popping a whiskey pop) Isn't that right?

He pokes the president again.

President: (Y/N) is now the mayor of Gotham.

Mayor: (outraged) That's bullshit!

(Y/N): (throwing them a file with a copy of the contract; smirking) Read 'em and weep 'em.

The crowd gasps, while Gordon fist bumped in happiness.


In Arkham Asylum, a guard passes by each cell checking in on the inmates.

Guard: (checking off a levitating Psycho) Dr. Psycho, check. (checking off a flexing Riddler) Riddler, check. Welcome back, by the way. (stopping in front of Harley's cell) Harley Quinn! (scoffs) Don't tell me... You're not supposed to be here.

Harley: Is anyone supposed to be anywhere?

Guard: Oh, you wanna talk about it? Maybe over a fruit cup.

Harley: Nah... (sighs) I wanna be alone with my thoughts. Don't worry about me. I'll break out when I'm done. I'm just going through a personal crisis. Actually, I'll take that fruit cup though.

Guard: Well, fruit cup in exchange for conversation. Sort of linchpin of this whole social contract. So... I'm gonna go.

She sighs.

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