Officially Missing U (Part 3) - 17

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I had just got to Dee house, he didn't live far from Andre place so I got here pretty quick. I felt like kicking a damn hole in that bitch Sade head, that's on everything I love.

I parked my car and began walking up to the house when I got inside the house my phone began ringing, "Yoooo, what's up Tee?" I said as I closed the door behind me.

"Hey baby, I'm dropping yo princess off to ya. You in the house?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm in here. Just got here matter fact." I said, I walked towards the stairs and began going up the steps.

"Well, I'll be there in about an hour or forty-five minutes." She said.

"Cool, call when you close by so I can let you in the gates." I said.

"Oohhh, he got fucking money!!" She said we both laughed, "Oh my god, bitch you play too much." I said I was still laughing.

I walked into the room and I saw Dee sleeping, "I'm gon' see you when you get here." I whispered into the phone.

"Aight girl." She said, then we both hung up.

I walked over to the bed and climbed in, "Dee..." I whispered in his ear.

"Sexy..." He mocked my voice.

"I thought yo ass was sleep?" I said as I laughed.

"Nah, just resting my eyes." He said.

"You just a light sleeper and you must've heard me coming up the stairs." I said, "Got that right." He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"You need to get up lazy." I said.

"I just got back in bed, I was cleaning up when I was texting you earlier." He said.

"Duh, I know that. You had told me that." I said.

"Gimme a kiss, I missed you this morning." He said.

"Mmm, nah." I said then I laughed.

"Girl c'mere!" He said grabbing me playfully, "Okay, you got it baby!!" I yelled laughing, I gave him a kiss.

"You happy?" I said against his lips, "Yeah." He said, "I forgot to tell you that my little sister is coming past today to meet you." He said, "Is she like the other one?" I asked him.

He knew about me and his other sister bumping heads, I had told him about what happened the first day I met her.

"Nah, she coo'. We actually have different mothers so I didn't grow up with her like I grew up wit Destiny." He said.

"Oh okay, so she won't be too much of a problem hopefully." I said.

"Destiny ain't that bad, she just real close to me so she doesn't think no girl good for me unless they her friend." He said, "Yeah whatever." I said before I lifted up off the bed.

"What time she coming?" I asked as I took my shoes off, "Probably in another hour, why?" He asked.

"I was wondering..." I took my shirt off and slipped my pants off, "If you wanted to take a shower wit me....?" I asked as I walked off to the bathroom, "Fuck yeah, I'm coming wait for me!!" He yelled from the room, I laughed.

A hour later...

I had stood in the mirror with my towel wrapped around my wet naked body, I blow dried my hair. Dee came back in the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist, he kissed my neck. "Dee stop, we have to get ready." I said, "You don't have to get ready, I like when you naked." He said, "Deeeeee." I said as I laughed, he turned me around, I sat the blowdryer down and he began kissing my neck which caused me to softly moan.

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