Pretty Bird - 5

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It's been 2 months since everyone thought I was so-called missing, I'm five months today and I've been really happy lately. I have no idea why.

But, Mark being the loving big brother bought me an apartment as a gift. My momma bought me my own car as a gift. I'm grateful for it but I just don't think they should've done that for me. But, I'm happy about it. They just worried a lot now about me and the baby so much they thought it was best to do this for me.

Tee laid on my couch on her phone, "Girl, I knew you were pregnant when you kept calling out sick." She said to me.

I was in the kitchen grabbing me a snack, "Whatever bitch, you didn't know shit." I said to her as I laughed at her facial expression.

"You lucky your ass pregnant. You already know I would've came over there and attacked your ass." She said, "Boo, I'm about to leave in a few. I gotta date with my baby." She stood up and walked over into the kitchen.

"Awe, tell her I said hey when you get with her. And, she needs to visit me and munchkin." I said as I lightly tapped my baby bump that has grown so much over the months.

She rubbed my tummy, "I will." She smiled as the baby began kicking, "Oh my god, Rosè!!!" She screamed and I burst out laughing.

"The baby moved and it felt weird but beautiful." She kept rubbing my baby bump, "He or she must like you." I said.

"You don't know what you having yet?" She looked at me.

"Nope, I found out tomorrow. I missed my last appointment." I said to her, "Oh, well tell me how it goes. I gotta go I guess she's outside." She looked at her phone.

"Okay boo." I said as we shared a hug and she left out. I locked my front door and ended laying down on the couch falling asleep.

I woke up at 4:23 a.m. to someone knocking on my door like they was crazy. "I'm coming!" I yelled as I was getting my fat ass up. I opened the door and just walked away from it.

"Now, what if I was a killer or some shit." He said.

"Trey why do you come over here at this same time everyday being annoying?" I walked to the living room to get my phone so I can go into my room.

He followed me into my room, he sat on my bed taking his shoes off. "Gotta make sure you good." He said.

"No, you be needing to escape your girlfriend. You not sleeping in here, you sleep on the couch when you come over." I said as I pointed to the door.

"Don't play with me." He said, "Who said I was playing though?" I said, he got up and walked over to me, he looked down at me.

"Rosè stop playing with my life right now." Trey said, but I still wasn't taking him serious. He grabbed my waist and tried kissing me, but I stopped him in his tracks.

"Nah, you good." I moved his hands, "Oh yeah?" He said as he laughed to himself.

"Yeah baby daddy. Now, get out my room. I'll see you in a few hours." I said as I walked around him to lay down on the bed.

He turned around to look at me, he nodded his head at me.

"Goodnight Trey." I went back to sleep.


"Ugh!! I'm so big now and I can't fit shit." I groaned as I threw the 20th shirt I tried on, "Jesus Christ." I just put my shirt that I fell asleep in back on.

"You ready?" Trey walked in, I turned around and looked at him, "Yes I am, lets go." I said.

"We driving my car by the way." Trey said.

"Okay, after the doctors appointment can we stop somewhere and get something to eat, please and thank you." I said walking behind him towards his car.

"Aight, I got you lil mama." He said, "You so corny." I said to him as we got in the car.

"You like it though." He said so confident, "No I don't nigga. Just drive and let the music play so your corny ass won't say nothing else corny." I said as I laid back in my seat laughing.

We arrived to the doctors in about 45 minutes because of traffic.

We would've been early if it wasn't for that but we made it on time. And, I was irritated but happy that we wasn't late.

"Hey there Rosè, how have you been?" My doctor asked me, "I'm doing better, I've been excited to found out the sex of the baby." I said.

"Well, you're gonna find out today even though if you came in last month you would've known missy." She said smiling at me.

"I was busy moving but you know I never miss a appointment." I said smiling back to her.

Trey rude ass had to make a noise so we can give his ugly aśs attention, I looked at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. You must be the father, am I right?" She asked him, "Yeah." He said.

"Sorry to be impatient but can we please find out what's in my tummy." I said eager to find out.

"Okay let's get started then." She said as she got me ready for my ultrasound. "Look at the screen..." She said, me and Trey looked in awe.

"Uh oh.." That's all I remember her saying that made me snap my head to her direction, "Why you say that?" I said as my eyebrows pushed together.

"Congratulations missy, it looks like you're having one healthy beautiful baby girl." She said and looked at me smiling.

A breath of fresh air escaped out of my mouth. Thank the lord nothing was wrong with my baby, I don't know what I would do. I looked at Trey and he was still looking at the screen, I couldn't read his expression and what he was feeling.

"Trey...." I said to him.

He looked at me and smiled, "Our baby girl." He said.

That made me smile and giggle, "Yes, our baby girl." I said, he grabbed my hand and held it. I gave his hand slight squeeze, "I love you Ro." Trey said to me, I just stared at him.

"I love you for giving me this special gift Trey, thank you." I gave him a slight smile and looked away from him.


We just got back to my house, Trey stopped by Panda Express to get us something to eat. I was so ready to dive in and crush this food.

"Long morning, but it was all worth it munchkin." I rubbed my baby bump and sat down.

I was about to take my shoes off before Trey came over and stopped me, "Trey what are you doing?" I said.

"I'm helping you take off your shoes, I can't help you do that?" He began taking them off, "Thanks." I said to him.

He stood up after taking my shoes off and sat down beside me, "Now I can start buying all pink stuff. I thought you was gonna have a boy." He looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back but that quickly disappeared when I thought of something, "So does she know?" I asked him.

"Who knows what?" He said, "Does Sade knows I'm having a baby and it's by you?" I asked him.

"Nah, I didn't tell her. But, why do you want to know?" He asked me, "No reason. I'm done with this conversation I just want to eat now." I said.

I got up and walked to the kitchen with my food, I warmed it up a bit. I felt his hands snake around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

"She doesn't matter Rosè, our baby girl only matters to me. You only matter to me. My family only matters to me." He said and he kissed my cheek, with that he walked out the kitchen.


Photo: Tee

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