Forgiving - 21

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Nine months and a week later
September 10, 2016; @7:56 p.m.

"Anastasia c'mere!!!" Abel yelled as she laughed, she and Anastasia were playing with Mari and Amari, "Stop yelling so loud y'all." I said to them, "Okay Auntie Ro!!" Abel, Mari, and Amari yelled, Anastasia just baby talked, but, she tried yelling with Abel. She was still learning to say things, which was too cute to me when she thought she knew what she was talking about.

I took up Mark offer for giving me a place in January, only because I had found out some very disturbing news. I was pregnant, again. I had too much on my plate at one time to be having another baby. When I broke things off with Trey at the end of November, I never really had any contact with him after that if it didn't involve Anastasia. Whenever I needed her to get dropped off or anything like that I had Andre come to get her, so she can go with Trey.

When March came up, I was about four months pregnant. So, I began getting a little bigger and my skin was glowing like hell. Anastasia first birthday party was hectic, only because that was the first time in months we had seen each other.


March 22, 2016 ; Anastasia 1st birthday party

"Glad you could make it auntie, I know it's on a Tuesday, such a wild day to be having a birthday party." I said as I gave my aunt, Trina, a hug. "Anytime for my favorite ole mean ass niece." She said we laughed.

I was about to close the door till I seen Trey come up, "Oh shit." I mumbled really low.

"Wassup." Trey said, my knees bucked only because I missed his voice and his smell. "Hey, um Anastasia is in the back if you want to tell her happy birthday or whatever." I said as I looked away.

"Rosè, I haven't seen you in some months. Chill, look at me." He said I looked at him.

"Now give me a hug girl." He said and did that goofy ass face that always make me laugh, "You're annoying as fuck dawg." I said as I burst out laughing, he pulled me into a hug.

"I missed your goofy ass." He said as I felt him taking in my scent.

"Stop being creepy, sniffing me like the dirty dog you are." I said, I pulled away.

"Bruh, stop playing wit me." He said as he laughed a little.

The end of the night....

"Thanks for coming, see you next time Lele!!" I yelled to one of Trey cousins as they were the last to leave, I closed the door and sigh.

Trey came from Anastasia room, "She's out like a light." He said.

"Good for me." I said as I walked to the couch to sit, "Look at this mess I have to clean my nigga." I said as leaned my head back on the couch.

"I'll stay to help you clean up." He said, "Thanks, I just need a minute to get myself together." I said as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, I felt Trey shaking me to wake up, "What?" I said groggily.

"What's this and this?" He asked as he showed me my prenatal pills and my sonogram, "Why the fuck you in my shit searching for shit? Nosy ass!" I said as I snatched them from him and I stood up.

"I knew you're ass got bigger!" He said as he followed me into the bathroom, I turned around and pushed him, "Fuck you." I said and turned back around, I put the pills in the cabinet.

I walked in my room and put the sonogram in my drawer, Trey was still following me like a stray dog. "Trey, leave me alone. Why are you even here still?" I asked as I left out the room to go back into the living room.

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