Epilogue - 30

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A few months later...

It was March 25, 2017, Anastasia had just turned two a couple days ago and Asana is six months going on seven in another week or so. Yesterday, Tee turned six months pregnant. Of course, her telling Andre was a scary thing for her to do, but, he was just as excited than she was, which made her happy about being pregnant.

I yawned, "I'm tired." I said as I closed my eyes, but, I ended up opening them when I heard Asana crying. "Jesus." I mumbled.

Asana was teeth were growing in, she's teething. I hated it, she would cry every time I laid her down to sleep. Sometimes, she would sleep through it. But, she's just been whining all night and I'm so tired. It's ridiculous.

I went to get her out my room, I laid her down in there so she wouldn't wake up Anastasia when she began crying. I sighed as I picked her up off the bed, "Sshh, mommy got you Sana." I bounced her up and down as I walked to the kitchen. I opened the freezer up and got her teething ring, "Look what mommy have!!" I said I put the teething ring in her mouth to calm her down.

I went into the living room and sat down, I rocked her with the teething ring in her mouth. "See, mommy got you Asana. Momma gotcha." I continued rocking her. She was closing her eyes and I began closing mines right along with her.

Next morning @ 8:36 a.m.

I groaned as I opened my eyes, the sunlight was beaming like fuck. I looked down to see Asana still sleep with the teething ring in her mouth. I smirked, I done spoiled her. She just wants to be up under me, she hates when I'm not around her.

I got up with her in my arms and I walked to my room so I can stretch out some more.

I laid her down and she got the whining till I laid down with her. She calmed down once she knew it was me, "You're just like your father." I said as I shook my head.

Trey and I haven't spoken or seen one another since that night, I don't know what he's been up to and I'm really not worried anymore. I haven't been stressing to make sure the girls hear from him.

I can't do it anymore.

I have been through too much for me to continue to keep going through shit. Unnecessary shit. Stupid shit.

I have me and my daughters to worry about, I don't want to worry about a grown ass man who is only worried about himself. That's not right when it's kids involved, it wasn't even right when it was just me.

In the next few years, I see myself doing something and not wasting time anymore. I want to have an established life where I can at least travel the world with my children, even married to a handsome husband.

"Mama." I heard Anastasia say in her baby voice, she was still learning to talk. She could say basic things. "Come here." I said to her, she walked over to the bed, I helped her onto the bed. "I sleep wib you." She said and I smiled.

"Yes, you can sleep with me." I said and let her get under the covers with me and Asana. I kissed her forehead as I watched her drift off back to sleep.

I looked at my girls, "Thank you, Trey." Was all I could say when I stared at them at this moment.

He had given me something to live for and that was Anastasia Asya Love and Asana Myra Love, our beautiful daughters.

If they weren't here, I don't know what I'll be doing right now. Probably crying about Trey being with Sade, I don't know. I know that they are making me a better woman, they really are changing me.

I sighed a peaceful sigh, "Finally at peace." I said before drifting off to sleep.


Short end. I know, sorry.

This is just the beginninggggggg, I mean, not really. But, you get it.

Plus, I had to change Anastasia. The baby I was using real mother had made her profile private so that was a bummer. But, it's okay because I had a change in Anastasia anyway!

So.... *claps hands*

I want to say thank you to everybody who supported me on this bumpy ride, a story that started off as being halfway true then turned into a crazy love story. I tried to make it real as possible for the readers.

I enjoyed the comments, they were really hilarious to me! It really did, love y'all!

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