Us Against The World - 28

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Christmas Day

"Anastasia, be careful!!" I yelled out to her, she was killing me with all this running around she was doing. "She's okay, calm yourself girl." Belair said, I looked over at her and smirked.

"Belle, she's clumsy as hell. You know." I said, "Oh girl, I know." She said and we both shared a laugh together.

Abel, Anastasia, and the twins were running around together, we were waiting for Laila to bring her babies over here. That's the thing I hate about Laila, she never comes around with her kids. Not saying I hate her guts, but, damn... can we at least see our nephew and nieces? My niece Bria is eight years old, my nephew Kyrell is five years old, and my other niece Tania is two years old, seriously. They getting big and I haven't seen them since they came to Anastasia baby shower, crazy right?

"Ma, where's Laila?" I asked our mother.

"I don't know child, you know how she is... Never around." My mother said as she shook her head, "You need to talk to her about that." Belair said as she rolled her eyes.

"It will be on her when her when all the kids are close and her kids not close to none of y'all's kids. Not y'all fault, hers." She said before going into the kitchen to finish cooking.

I looked at Asana, she was on the couch on her stomach. Wide awake, too. I missed her, she's really grown since October.

"Hey little mama, you the youngest out the bunch." I said.

"She really is, its cool because Tee pregnant. She'll have somebody to play with in a few months." Belair said, she was looking at the kids play. "You said what?" I said I snapped my finger in her face so she can look at me. "Oh girl, she didn't tell you yet?" She asked me.

"No, no she didn't. How do you even know?" I asked her, "Because, she hadn't dyed her hair in months. Plus, her ass been eating like craaaazy. I peeped she gain a little weight in the tummy area, too." She said smirking.

"Ooohhhh, you right!!" I said cheesing, "I'm press!" I squealed, "You irritating." She said I smirked at her. "Cute, how you try to pull a me on me." I said as we laughed together.

I was about to say something, but, my phone began ringing. I picked it up without looking at the name, "Hello?" I sang in a happy voice, "What's up." I knew that voice too well.

I looked up at Belair, "Belle, can you watch Asana? I have to take this call." I asked her, "Go head, I got my stinka butt." She cooed as she picked Asana up, I smiled before I got up and walked outside on the porch.

"What's up?" I said.

"Hey, I wanted to see how you been. You know I just got of rehab and shit, but, I heard you had got in a bad accident some months back." Dee said.

"I'm doing better than I was a month back, but, how about you? Are you doing better?" I asked, "Yeah, I feel better. I made my mistakes and shit, I miss you Ro." He said I closed my eyes.

The line went quiet for a minute, "I miss you, too." I said.

"Um, I got the girls something for Christmas." He said, "Thank you." I said, "Can I drop it off to you?" He asked, "You can, I'm at my moms'. We're having a Christmas dinner, Tee and Dre are coming over in about..." I stopped because they had pulled up and I smiled seeing them get out the car. "Well, they just got here. So, you can come and have dinner with us if you aren't doing anything." I said as I stood up.

"Sure, I'll be there in another hour or so." He said, "Okay." I said we both hung up the phone.

I looked at Tee and Andre walk towards me hand in hand, "Hello guys." I said smirking.

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