Never Leave - 27

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A month later, 4 days before Christmas...

"Trey, can you please just stop. Seriously, you heard what the hell I said to you!" Sade screamed out to me in a playful tone, I just kept bothering her.

"Okay, I quit baby. Gimme kiss." I said as I leaned over to her and kissed her lips, "Love you." She said, "Love you too." I said.

The day I came over here, Sade and I hashed everything out, I haven't been getting the girls and shit. But, I planned on getting them this weekend. The only reason why I haven't been getting them because I tried catching up with my son, plus, Dre and Tee been ignoring the fuck out of me. I can't help but respect it, I never came back that night to get the girls or call them to tell them wassup.

"Halon, c'mere." I cooed as he happily giggled and crawled to me, "Yea man, that's mommy big boy!" Sade yelled out excited, "Chill girl." I said as I laughed.

My phone vibrated, I took it out my pocket and seen a text from Mark saying he's outside. I looked at Sade, "I'll be right back, I have to go outside real quick." I said, "Okay." She said I passed Halon back to her.

I quickly got up and went outside to see what he wanted, I saw him leaning against his car looking at his phone.

"Wassup big dog." I said, he looked up and put his phone back in his pocket.

"What's up." That was all he said, "Um, how are the girls? I know I disappeared and shit." I said, "They good, I just wanted to stop pass just to give you notice that Rosè is getting out the hospital tomorrow." He said.

My eyes got wide, "When did she wake up?" I asked, "That night I guess you went missing. But, I just want you to stay away from her. Aight?" He said.

I looked at him like he was saying some off the wall shit, which he was because Mark and I never had problems. Which is why him saying this to me was kind of weird.

"Stay away from her?" I asked him back.

"She doesn't need any more stress, Trey, I fuck with you. You know that, but, you really put my little sister through a lot of shit. The reason why I understood you is that I been there myself. But, I can't take her hurting anymore. I sometimes feel like the shit she been through is because of me. So, if you want to see your daughters you can. But, what you're not gonna do is make my nieces feel like you don't love them equally to Halon. You're not gonna make them feel like that and I won't let you make them feel like that. I love you like a little brother, but, you need to just keep away from them for a while." He finished, leaving me in all shock.

I didn't know what to say, I just nodded my head and said okay. We went our separate ways, what could I really say?


Next day.....

I got up from the bed, my foot was healed, all I needed was therapy to get back right. But, I think me trying to walk on them would be fine to get them back right.

I walked from my bed to the wall, getting myself used to be on my feet for a long time. "This is some bullsh-" I got interrupted, "Watch your damn mouth little girl." My mother said as she walked into the hospital room.

"You know when to pop up mama." I said as I chuckled.

"Yeah, but, why you tryna walk around without help?" She asked.

"I don't want to be feeling like I'm handicapped, so I wanna learn myself." I said, "Let me get your ass a wheelchair." She said walking out the room, I groaned.

My left arm is still in its cast, but, my right arm isn't that bad actually. It had healed in six weeks, my left arm being stubborn as hell.

Christmas is three days away, I literally missed two holidays and it fucked with me a little. I think being in that coma kinda changed me around, I thought I never gave a shit before, but, now I really don't be caring anymore.

I heard the door open again and seen my mother walk in with a wheelchair, I gave her a small smile, "Thanks ma, I really appreciate it." I said, "It's fine baby, anything for you." She said she helped me into the wheelchair.


2 hours later...

"Home sweet home!" Tee said happily as she helped me inside, "Sweet shit. My house looks terrible Tee, who was the last person here?" I said looking around, Tee looked around as well.

"When me and Andre were last here, I swear Ro... It didn't look like this." She said I could hear nothing but the honest truth. I sighed, "This shit is killing me." I said as I closed my eyes for a brief moment.

"It's fine, I just gotta deal with it when I get better. Let's just get some clothes then go back to my mother house." I sighed frustrated as hell.

"Ro, it's gonna be okay. You gonna be back on your feet in no time, you've been through some shit and still bounced back." Tee said she looked upset herself.

"I know, I'll just...." I stopped, "Keep praying for better days." I said as I try to sound as positive as possible.

Tee sighed and we went into my room to get more clothes, I had a flashback to the night before I left out to get the costumes.

"Trey..." Rosè said with her eyes closed, "Hm?" Trey said, he pulled Rosè near him so she could be closer. "I'm scared." She said, "Why you scared baby?" He asked her, "I don't know." She said quietly.

"You're scared about us?" He asked. "Yes." She managed to say.

"Baby, I love you. I might don't show it all the time. I hurt you from time to time, but, I really love you. I just have to figure myself out more, a lot has happened in this two years." He said.

"Trey, that doesn't matter. You have to take care of your responsibilities, I had to change just like you have to change. You still on this little boy shit and I'm scared that we won't work out because of it. I'm scared that something might happen to me and you won't know what to do when I'm gone. That's why I'm scared, God forbid that anything happens to me. But, are you sure that you're ready if I was gone to pick up the biggest responsibilities of taking care of the girls? I love you to death, you and the girls, I just wished that you showed the same love back at times." She said.

Rosè turned around so she could be face to face with Trey, "I don't want you leaving me no time soon. I love you and I want us to be a family, a real family." She said, then kissed his lips and snuggled up against him.

"I love you, too." Trey said and kissed Rosè forehead as he held her tighter.

"Ro, you ready?" Tee said she knocked me out my flashback. "Um, yeah. Tee?" I said to her, "Yea?" She replied, "Where's Trey? I never really asked about him." I said.

"Fuck him. You know I never do say that or ever tell you to leave him the fuck alone. But, as your best friend and sister, fuck Trey dog ass. I literally cannot stand his dirty ass!!" She said with an angry look on her face.

"Chilllllll Tee." I said laughing a little bit.

"I love you girl, for real. And, Trey was cool till he did that shit. I got his ass on my block list. BLOOOOOCKED." Tee had me cracking up, "Oh my god, I don't even wanna know what he did." I said honestly.

All things go for a reason... Shit happens for a reason. And, whatever reason Trey isn't here with me is the reason why we will never be together. And, that reason is why I have to move on with my life.


Photo: Rosè, Trey, and Sade

Another chapter.... just a fill-in chapter? I don't know y'all, but, I love this story. So, I think I might stop at chapter 30?????? Then, do an Epilogue. Maybe a sequel, another book to this one? I don't know, I need everyone reading to tell me what y'all think about that.


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