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"Eli, the hawk really flew by again. You don't believe me, do you?"

Lia puts down a bucket of clean water in front of Eli and wiped her sweat.

Eli, who was munching the fodder, bumps its head into the bucket softly.

Eli was older for a horse, so he was kept in the horse yard, separated from the other horses.

Unlike the horses that gather in one place and are well- managed, Eli showed quite welcoming whenever Lia visited.

Lia squatted in front of Eli, who's not listening to her and was still eating the fodder with its ears fluttering.

"The note said 'My Canillia'. I'm wondering if the hawk was sent by my mom. That's why I'm trying to find out if there's anyone around who raises hawks. But you have no idea, do you?"

She looked ridiculous talking to the horse. So she quickly got up and started brushing the horse.

Somehow, she felt embarrassed. No matter how alone Eli is in the horse yard, she's still talking to an animal.

Eli stuck its head closer to the hand brushing its mane, checking if the comb was good. The act of rubbing its face on her body was its way to express affection.

At first, Lia was scared. But now, she would even hug the neck of the horse and look at its face.

"Your owner will be back soon. So hang in there a little more. You'll head back home."

Did the horse understand the word "home"?

Eli raised its head that was bowed to her level. Unlike his usual drowsy
appearance, the horse was looking forward to run.

She's been taking care of Eli almost every day for three years, but she didn't
feel like she was the owner. Rather, the term friend would suit her better.

Lia reached out and touched the side of its neck, then fill the trough.

However, Eli only stared at her with deep eyes, and the horse looks like it's not interested in fresh fodder.

"Do you want to go out?"

Eli neighed and hastily stamp its feet with its long legs.

"I can't... Are you that frustrated?"

Eli neighed again.

Lia was agonizing over it, but she put on her jacket and put a saddle on Eli's back.

Eli's feet are in a hurry, perhaps because of the expectations that he will be able to run.

"Let's go out for a second. But you can't run too fast, okay? I'm scared if you'll run too fast, I'm completely different from your owner."

Her hands wearing leather gloves were slightly trembling.

It wasn't her first time to ride Eli, but it was the first time that she'll lead a horse alone.

While hesitating, Eli puts its head first as if rushing her.

"All right, all right."

She decided not to worry anymore. After loosening the tied string, she skillfully climbed on Eli's back.

It was the best horse of the Empire and also the horse of the previous Grand Duke.

Lia grabbed the reins and spurred lightly. Eli glanced back at her, then slowly walks out of the horse yard.

A servant who saw Lia riding the horse shouted in surprise.

"Lord Canillian!"

"I'll be back!"

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