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It was raining cats and dogs.

Lia looked toward the forest that Marilyn had escaped into, then at Claude, slumped against a huge tree.

He was covered in mud and had a bloody forehead. He looked nearly dead, but he wasn't-and that's all that mattered.

"Come here, Lia," he called, wiping the dried blood off his face.

She wanted to sprint to his side but kept tripping over her dress and her own feet.

She stumbled, plopping down in front of him. He looked even worse up close.

"What happened? Where are you hurt? Does it hurt a lot? Are you all right? Look at me!" She had tears streaming down her face, her hands patting his muddy face and body.

"Don't cry, my love," Claude murmured, lifting a hand to caress her hair.

"Help is on the way. Hold on, okay? How did you even-"

"How long has it been?" Claude's voice was remarkably sweet, considering that he'd just been stabbed.

Lia couldn't help but smile through her tears at his warmth, even though she attempted to maintain her stern tone.

"That's not important right now! You need to let me know where you're hurting-"

He pulled her into his arms, effectively cutting her off. His fingers wove through her water-laden locks, mild desperation tinting their movements; he needed to ensure that she was real.

Surprised by the sudden movement, Lia braced herself against his firm chest.

Claude frowned slightly. "Ouch, that stings a bit."

Lia looked down to see blood seeping through his shirt. She fumbled to unbutton it. "You're hurt!"

He stopped her. "I know. But right now, just staying like this would help much more."

"Nonsense," she shot back with a trembling voice.

But he seemed intent to hold onto her.

Hands clasped, Claude quietly explained how he was able to escape the collapsed mine shaft-how he'd walked through the narrow tunnel, transfixed by a tiny beam of light, when the top of the tunnel transfixed by a tiny beam of light, when the top of the tunnel collapsed onto him.

"If it weren't for the rain, I might have been buried under that dirt pile," he remarked.

His tone was too light in Lia's opinion.

While Claude detailed his miraculous escape, the rain continued to pour. The tree branches bent, struggling under the weight of the rain.

Lia wanted to look over his injuries, but the searing heat emanating from his skin pinned her in place.

"Claude?" she called worriedly. His temperature was unnaturally high.

He murmured a half-reply, eyelids slowly drooping.

"Claude. Wake up. Claude, look at me!" She shook him frantically, but it was to no avail.

His hand slipped from her hair, falling limply on her lap.

"Help! Someone, please! Help!"


Carl parked the stolen car in a clearing in the forest. After ensuring that no one was around, he stepped out.

It would've been near impossible for Claude to survive the explosion, but it was vital for them to cross the border into Gaior before his body was found especially if Marilyn had botched her part of the plan.

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