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she was absolutely correct

THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Yu-ri got up on schedule and gave herself enough time to get in the shower and clean herself of any left over anger and volleyball practice sweat from the previous day

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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Yu-ri got up on schedule and gave herself enough time to get in the shower and clean herself of any left over anger and volleyball practice sweat from the previous day.

Today, she decided, would be a good day.

Yu-ri stared at herself in the mirror, examining how she looked, from her uniform to her signature fishnets she put underneath. She nodded, then swung her bag over her shoulder and exited her room.

She could hear the sounds of her father and mother in the kitchen, presumably making themselves coffee. She attempted to sneak out of the house without them noticing but was stopped at the door by her mother.

"Ahem," Jang-mi coughed. "No breakfast?"

Yu-ri slowly turned around and shrugged. "I never eat breakfast."

Moon Tae-hyun stepped into the doorway, holding an apple. "Well today you will." He gave her a small smile and tossed the apple through the air. Yu-ri caught it easily and nodded as a thanks.

She didn't care much for apples but how was her father supposed to know that.

"See you guys later." She mumbled even though she knew her mother would spend all night in the office and her father would be too occupied at the hospital to come home. Still, it felt right to say.

Before they had time to respond, she swung open the front door and ran out. She put her headphones in and shuffled her playlist. While she walked, she took a couple bites out of the apple then tossed it in a trash can nearby.

The walk to school was always nice. One thing Yu-ri didn't enjoy was loudness, it made her anxious. But mornings in her neighborhood were always quiet. It wasn't until she got to school that everything would get loud again as students ran around, greeting their friends or yelling for absolutely no reason at all.

Approaching Hyosan High School, Yu-ri turned the volume up on her music and crossed her arms over her stomach. She didn't dislike school but she didn't necessarily enjoy it either. The only horrible thing was the people, though no one ever truly bothered her.

She gasped when someone suddenly bumped into her side, making her lose her balance. She uncrossed her arms and looked up to meet eyes with the one boy she wished to avoid.

"Hey," Lee Su-hyeok said.  "Watch where you're going."

No one ever bothered her, except for Lee Su-hyeok of course.

She took out one headphone and rolled her eyes. "You bumped into me."

"Well maybe if you weren't slow and in the way, we wouldn't have this problem." A teasing grin found it's way onto his face. He knew what he was doing; he knew it was going to make her mad and that's exactly what he wanted.

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