twenty two

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❝ you're gonna survive this ❞

RUNNING UP THE HILL, the four of them were able to catch up to the rest of the group just in time

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RUNNING UP THE HILL, the four of them were able to catch up to the rest of the group just in time. The ground beneath them was slippery as the rain mixed in with the dirt, forming wet mud under their shoes.

Yu-ri was surrounded by members of the group and she felt it when the presence of people vanished from behind her. She twisted her neck around, halting in her steps when she saw Ji-min running over to a fallen Hyo-ryung.

"Shit." She mumbled, before taking off after them.

"Yu-ri!" Wu-jin shouted at her as he saw her depart from the group. He couldn't just let her go on her own, so he too, ran off.

Yu-ri slid to a stop when she approached the two girls and watched as Ji-min fearfully left Hyo-ryung on the ground for the zombies, running away in a completely different direction. Wu-jin bolted past her, bending over to check on Hyo-ryung but Yu-ri could only stare into the woods where Ji-min had disappeared. "Ji-min!"

The sound of a wind gust caught Yu-ri's attention and she turned just in time to see an arrow pierce a zombie through the head and it dropped to the floor. It hadn't gotten back up and it's squirmy movement came to a slow stop as it died for the second time.

She quickly helped Wu-jin pick Hyo-ryung up while a girl with a bow and arrow emerged from the shadows, shooting another zombie.

Yu-ri's eyes widened. So they can be killed, it just has to be in the head.

"Sister." Wu-jin said, shock evident all over his face.

The girl with the bow and arrow was Jang Ha-ri, Wu-jin's infamous sister and a big Archery star at their high school. "Wu-jin."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, eyeing the three kids that followed behind her, one of them tied to a rolling object.

"We need to go!" She yelled, grabbing him by his arm.

"I have to go get Ji-min," Yu-ri shook her head, pointing to the woods. "She ran that way. I can't leave her."

"No," Ha-ri said, ushering them forward. "There were too many zombies that way. You'll get killed."


"Yu-ri," Wu-jin shook his head, a pleading look on his face. "Let's go. Please."

Yu-ri opened her mouth to protest but she glanced behind them, catching sight of the zombies that were heading straight for them. She cursed under her breath and reached down to the zombie at her feet to pluck the arrow out of the it's head, gripping it in her hand.

As they ran, she couldn't help but glance back at the space where Ji-min had went. Guilt washed over her as she remembered what she told them earlier. "No one has to die tonight. If we all stick together and look out for one another, we'll all be okay."

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