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if you lose it, i'll kill you

STARING INTO the recording room window, Yu-ri and Nam-ra's assumptions were correct as they saw Ji-min leaning on the button of the loud speaker

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STARING INTO the recording room window, Yu-ri and Nam-ra's assumptions were correct as they saw Ji-min leaning on the button of the loud speaker. They swung the door open and stepped inside, feeling slightly guilty for ruining Ji-min and On-jo's alone time.

"Sorry to interrupt but," Yu-ri mumbled.

"The speaker went off in here." Nam-ra finished putting her finger on the button. She pressed down and the same high pitched pierce shot through their ears.

The boys followed them into the room, wincing when the noise grew louder. Dae-su cringed and plugged his nose, "It stinks in here. Can't you people smell?"

Ignoring his comment, On-jo looked up at Nam-ra and Yu-ri from the chair she sat in. "What is it?"

Nam-ra paused then looked at Yu-ri who gave her a small nod. "I think we have a plan to escape."

At the mention of escaping, the group seemed to be more focused than they were merely minutes ago. They had found a small whiteboard and drew the school's layout on it. The teens gathered around the table, Yu-ri and Nam-ra at the head.

"This is where we are," Nam-ra circled different spots. "And this is where Cheong-san is."

"The zombies are drawn to sound," Yu-ri joined, pointing to places on the map. "If we turn on our music on this speaker, the zombies will go left."

"Then we'll take the stairs on the right, get Cheong-san and go to the roof using the center stairs." Nam-ra looked at Yu-ri who nodded in approval.

Su-hyeok watched as the two girls explained everything, paying close attention to Yu-ri as she spoke with such determination and confidence. He could see it in her eyes, how much she wanted this plan to work. Not only for herself, so she can finally escape that room and rescue her best friend, but for every other member of their group.

"Why the roof?" He asked.

"Choppers keep flying around," Nam-ra answered. "If we light a roof fire, they might come and save us."

"The roof might be the only good place to be in this situation," Yu-ri shrugged. "Zombies can't climb up walls."

"Are the zombies really drawn towards sound?"

"You saw how crazy they've been acting at the slightest noise." Yu-ri said like it was an obvious observation.

"She's right," Su-hyeok agreed. "They come running whenever they hear us."

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