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or do you like someone else?

MORNING LIGHT shed into the broadcasting room and directly onto the sleeping kids that were scattered around in different places

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MORNING LIGHT shed into the broadcasting room and directly onto the sleeping kids that were scattered around in different places. Cheong-san sat up from his chair and scanned the room, observing the others.

His eyes landed on the corner by the window where Yu-ri and Su-hyeok slept. Yu-ri's knees were bent and pulled close to her body to keep her warm. Through the night, she had moved around and, instead of leaning against the wall, she leaned against Su-hyeok. Her head rested on his shoulder and Su-hyeok's head was on top of hers.

Cheong-san smiled in admiration. The night prior, he had caught Su-hyeok staring at Yu-ri and convinced him to talk to her. When Su-hyeok protested, Cheong-san replied, "What's the worst that can happen? She gets mad at you again?"

Now that they were practically cuddled together on the floor, Cheong-san felt satisfied.

Minutes passed and everyone was slowly starting to wake up. Yu-ri's eyes flickered open and she squinted, allowing them to adjust to the brightness. Realizing she was laying on someone's shoulder, she titled her head up to see who it was. She let out a small gasp when she was met with a sleeping Su-hyeok.

Her head shot up and Su-hyeok stirred under the movement. He woke up and, feeling someone's body pressed up against his, he looked to his left to see Yu-ri staring at him with wide eyes.

Sensing the awkwardness of the position, they cleared their throats and scooted away from each other. Yu-ri's face flushed and she tried to cover it up by running her hands through her messy hair.

Yu-ri was surprised to see herself sleeping beside Su-hyeok but what came as even more of a surprise, was the fact that Su-hyeok kept his word—he was there the entire night.

If he hadn't been there when she woke, nothing would've changed. She would've went on hating him like normal. But he actually kept his promise and, deep down, that changed everything.

The other kids sat at the table, sharing knowing glances at each other. They'd seen everything. They'd seen Yu-ri and Su-hyeok sitting next to each other the night prior and they'd seen them cuddled together when they woke. Wu-jin and Dae-su were going to tease them about it but received scolding from Cheong-san before they got the chance.

Pushing herself up from the floor, Yu-ri huddled around the others as they discussed what to do now that it was morning.

"Should we just write 'SOS' on the curtain?" On-jo suggested after the group hit a dead-end in ideas.

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