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why don't you do it yourself?

THE GROUP was stuck inside class 2-5 while nothing but zombies roamed the hallways

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THE GROUP was stuck inside class 2-5 while nothing but zombies roamed the hallways. They managed to find a cell phone but calling the police only did so much because they didn't seem to listen. Even the fire department was taking forever.

Yu-ri was seated in the corner of the room, her bucket list journal in her lap. She nibbled on the inside of her cheek as she stared down at the goal she just wrote.

☐ survive a zombie apocalypse

It was almost laughable how dumb that sounded. She couldn't fathom that this was her reality; hiding from the undead in a classroom with kids she barely talked to and a boy she despised, while no one did anything about it.

She could feel herself getting a headache so she shut her book and leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes.

A shaking Na-yeon stood up from her chair. "Let's call the cops again. Get them to listen."

"I am but they won't pick up." On-jo said on the phone.

Na-yeon huffed and then marched over to Nam-ra who sat in her seat. Catching the attention of Yu-ri, she kept her head against the wall but tilted it slightly so she could watch the two.

"Do something." Na-yeon urged. "Tell Miss Park to come and help."

"Do what exactly?" Su-hyeok stepped in from.

"I don't know! Anything!" Na-yeon's voice raised, then she spoke directly at Nam-ra. "What have you done as class president?"

Yu-ri scoffed. Na-yeon was so stuck up and full of herself, it was painful to listen to.

"Stop it." One of the girls said but Na-yeon shushed her.

Nam-ra stood up from her seat to be eye level with
Na-yeon. "Teacher's office? So you just want me to leave now?"

"Well if you're offering."

"You told me to do something. Do you want me to leave?" Nam-ra sassed back in the calmest way possible.

Yu-ri liked Nam-ra, even though she only talked to her a couple times before. She reminded Yu-ri of herself; quiet and calm yet always willing to speak against anything she believed to be wrong.

Nam-ra got unnecessary hate from the rest of the students for being the class president and was never appreciated enough whereas Yu-ri didn't see the problem with it and actually thought Nam-ra was the perfect person to fit that role.

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