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can i keep it?

THE COLLECTING of the drone didn't take long and on their way back to the broadcasting room, Yu-ri was the last one to send herself down the rope

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THE COLLECTING of the drone didn't take long and on their way back to the broadcasting room, Yu-ri was the last one to send herself down the rope. Approaching the bottom, she shakily put her feet on the ledge and Su-hyeok was there to grab her gently by the waist, pulling her inside.

She was relieved to be back in the room with all of her friends yet feeling Su-hyeok's hands holding tightly at her side, made her stomach churn. "Are you okay?" He asked.

She looked up at him and recalled the conversation her and On-jo had in the science room. "I'm fine."

Yu-ri awkwardly cleared her throat and stepped away from the boy to make her way over to the table. There she dumped out the contents of the bag and Joon-yeong finished assembling the drone.

On a small sticky note, they had written a message, 'Help we're in the broadcasting room in Hyosan High School.' The drone chimed and everyone sat up straight. Joon-yeong removed his glasses to put on the headset. Using the remote control, he lifted the drone into the air and it buzzed around the room quickly, making everyone duck their heads.

"I'll send it outside after I find Cheong-san. If I find any rescuers out there, I'll land it in front of them." He said and the other students nodded in agreement.

He guided the drone out of the classroom before being stopped by Nam-ra. "Wait a minute. They say when people know their situation is hopeless, that's when they despair."

"Sweet saying," Dae-su murmured. "But what does it mean?"

"Even if everyone in the world but us has turned into zombies, we can't fall into despair."

"Nam-ra," On-jo said. "It's best to make a plan and stick to it but we're not all top students and we can't be as smart as you."

Seriously, On-jo, Yu-ri thought. You're really on one today, aren't you?

"In a crisis, it's better to be logical."

"We need hope more than logic. Don't you think that's best right now?" On-jo said to Nam-ra.

"Hey, I think," Dae-su scratched his head. "I think flying the drone is what we need right now."

Joon-yeong resumed, flying the drone outside the windows of classrooms. The group huddled around the camera to observe what was going on. They let out a collective huff of air upon realizing there was no life left in the classrooms.

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