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❝ you're a little too slow for me ❞

03 | CHAPTER THREE —TRUST ME❝ you're a little too slow for me ❞

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THE THREE juniors walked up the stairs in silence. After what just happened, they weren't sure what was appropriate to talk about so they settled for nothing.

Yu-ri could feel the tension in the air and it wasn't just because of what just occurred.

She noticed the way On-jo would take small glances at the tall boy or how she would shyly tuck her hair behind her ear. Did Nam On-jo like Lee Su-hyeok?

On-jo tugged on Yu-ri's sleeve. Confused, Yu-ri turned her head and her eyebrows furrowed. "Do you think I could talk to Su-hyeok alone for a minute?" The small girl whispered.

Yu-ri pretended to think about it then nodded her head. On-jo smiled at her with appreciation. Yu-ri hurried up the rest of the steps, reaching the floor before the other two.

"Where are you going?" Su-hyeok's voice echoed in the empty stairwell.

Yu-ri twirled around, staring down at him from the top. "To class?"

"You're not gonna wait for us?"

Yu-ri began to smile and it was then that Su-hyeok knew she was about to say something smart. "You're a little too slow for me."

Su-hyeok scoffed though it came out more like a laugh. Leave it to Yu-ri to remember every single word he says in order to use it against him later.

On-jo stood to the side awkwardly, watching the interaction with curious eyes.

The tall brunette pursed her lips and spun back around to continue walking to class. Before she turned the corner, she threw up her middle finger and almost laughed when she heard Su-hyeok audibly gasp.

"Hey, Moon Yu-ri!" He yelled and it sounded as if he was coming up the stairs to follow her but then was stopped by On-jo.

Yu-ri heard the mumbled conversation coming from the stairwell and was tempted to turn around and eavesdrop. Sneaking wasn't like her; she tended to just mind her own business yet she found herself wanting to know exactly what they talked about after she left.

She was about to turn around when she heard footsteps approaching her. Cheong-san ran to her from down the hallway, concern etched onto his face. "Yu-ri," He breathed, grabbing her gently by the arms. "Are you okay? I heard you got hurt."

Yu-ri smiled at him sincerely. "I'm okay, don't worry about me."

Relieved, Cheong-san sighed. He was always so caring and selfless. That was one of the many things Yu-ri admired about her friend; he worried more about others than himself.

"Is On-jo okay?"

Cheong-san and On-jo had always been close considering they were childhood friends but something in the way his eyes lit up when he said her name told Yu-ri there was more to the story that she was missing.

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