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hey dummy, look up! ❞

THE SCIENCE LAB was quiet as the teens sat in nothing but thought

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THE SCIENCE LAB was quiet as the teens sat in nothing but thought. They were down two members, Min-ji having turned and Su-hyeok being missing, and now that they were stuck in yet another room, they had no idea what to do next.

Yu-ri leaned on the desk, her head resting on her arms and she stared at the wall. She was so drained, she felt like she could pass out right on the table. But Yu-ri knew they weren't safe and she didn't think she could rest comfortably until they were.

Sighing, she sat up and went to flip through her journal only to realize it wasn't there. She froze and furrowed her brows. She tried to retrace her steps in her head but so much happened, she couldn't remember where she last had it.

Panicking, Yu-ri scanned the floor around her and then the classroom but saw nothing. She shot out of her chair and went to the door to peer out of the window.

"What's she doing?" She heard Dae-su whisper and everyone murmured in confusion.

Yu-ri scanned the hallway though it was hard to see through the zombies that clawed at the door. Running her hands through her hair, she bit the inside of her cheek.

"What's wrong?" Cheong-san spoke louder.

Yu-ri spun around and dropped her hands at her side, trying to appear as calm as possible. "Nothing."

If she told the others about the loss of her journal, they'd probably think she was silly for worrying about such a thing at a time so dire.

She walked back to the table and plopped down in the seat. Had she dropped it in the hallway? Or was it still in the last classroom? Either way, she wouldn't be able to retrieve it and the thought was devastating.

Suddenly, the schools' PA system went off, sending a sharp noise through the speakers. Yu-ri winced but widened her eyes as a voice echoed, "Students and teachers of Hyosan High School, I'm Park Sun-hwa, the English teacher."

Yu-ri exhaled a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking others indiscriminately so please flee and find a safe place. And if any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I'll say it again, some students are,"

Miss Park's voice trailed off and it sounded like she was close to tears.  "Hey're okay, right? You're not hurt?"

Yu-ri's eyes began to sting as she listened to her teacher's words.

"I don't know what's going on here or how this whole thing happened but," Miss Park breathed deeply. "Still, find a safe place and hide. I-I'm sorry I can't help. Don't get hurt, okay? Please, let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?"

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