To Have and To Hassle

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warnings: smut, oral (m and f receiving),dom!bucky and sub!reader, daddy kink, squirting,praise kink, angst, fluff, (safe word called) please tell me if i missed any ;)
promt: : ̗̀➛ "𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐭."

FATWS!Bucky x fem!reader

Word count: 3.3k

"why the fuck can't you just listen to me Barnes" you shouted at him from across the room, "Why can't I listen to you, why the hell can't you listen to me, if you did we wouldn't be in this mess" he shouted back at you as he threw himself into one of dining room chairs. "Are you saying this is my fault? Last I remember this was your plan, not mine"

You were pacing around the small, isolated, wooden cabin stressing about what to do next. You were also worried about the shit you were going to get from the rest of the team once you eventually got back.

You didn't know how long you were going to be in the cabin, how long you were going to be stuck with Bucky Barnes. The only man you had ever been in love with, you had shitty partners most of your life and just stayed with them for no reason, So when you met Bucky and realised how nice he was and how much he cared for other people, you fell head over heels in love with him.

You hated fighting with him like this. But the more missions you went on the more times you would fight, bicker and annoy each other. one time it got really bad and lasted a month after the mission with you and him screaming at each other constantly, and it only ended when you too got really mad at each other in the living area and Peter started crying, so Tony had to get involved, forcing you two to apologise.

After minutes of silence you sat down beside him, "Listen James, I don't know how long we're gonna be out here so I suggest we let this blow over and try to get comfortable" you sighed out while rubbing your forehead. "Yeah, yeah ok. I checked the whole place when we got here, and there only a single bed, so you take that and I'll take the couch". "What? Jesus no Buck, you take the bed, I'll be up most of the night so I wouldn't want to wake you up"

You have been struggling with sleeping for six months, after being re-blipped back into the world, you just couldn't stand the thought of going back there, wherever "there" is, it was just so dark and traumatising. Everyone else who blipped seems to be doing just fine, so you find it hard to talk about it and just try and keep it to yourself.

-<3- -<3-

You guys started a fire and found some blankets for you to use on the couch. You guys had packed some rice and sauces to make some kind of flavoured dinner, it was that or just have a bunch of cereal bars which you were already sick of two days into the mission.

you had made yourself comfortable before saying goodnight to Bucky, you'd wish he'd stay with you but now is not the time. You tried to fall asleep but your anxiety wouldn't let you, so you switched on the tv and turned on some crappy Spanish soap opera just to keep you distracted till the morning.

You were about half way through the 4th episode and heard some rustling from behind you. You slowing bent forward and picked up the small pocket knife that you left on the table just in case. You flipped up the blade and had a tight grip on the handle

"Put it down doll" you let out a small scream before dropping the knife down onto your leg creating a big gash down the side. "Shit! Bucky, don't creep up on me like that". You were hissing through you teeth at the pain caused by the knife. "Fuck sorry doll". Bucky ran to get the first aid kit while you grabbed one of the towels from the table and held it tightly to your leg.

"Ok doll just try and stay still for me, okay" You could hear the guilt in his voice. Bucky wiped most of the blood away and stopped the bleeding. Luckily, the cut wasn't too deep so all it needed was some paper stitches.

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