Anything for my baby

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Summary: Buck needs you to take off the edge after a tough mission.....

Warnings: SUBBY!BUCKY, soft dom reader, mommy kink, praise kink, oral (male receiving), cockwarming   A/n: this could have a part 2 put don't hold your hopes up ;)

Word Count: 969

"baby?" You called out as you heard his heavy bag hit the floor. You couldn't hear him walking over you just heard a thud. You ran over quickly thinking the worst maybe he's loosing blood, and has passed out, maybe someone just shot him, maybe that not even Bucky.
When you got there he was slumped against the wall, on the floor, his hand in fists, and tears rolling down his face. You slowly sat down beside him and pulled him in close, the smell of gunpowder, smoke and sweat was heavy on him, but you didn't care you'd do anything for your baby.

When Bucky pulled out of the hug he looked up at you, his eyes still full with tears. "Hi baby"

"Hi Bucky, are you ok, do you want me to do anything?"   "Cuddle, that's it"

"Okay yeah baby, we can cuddle, but we can cuddle in the shower you wanna do that?"

"Yes please"

You got up from the floor and took Bucky's hand, and led him to the shower, you made sure that it wasn't too hot or too cold. Just Right. When you got in, you cupped water in your hands and started to pour it over Bucky's chest, causing him to shiver. You washed all of him and his hair, and when you finished washing him you held him close under the water. When you got out of the shower, you dried him off and gave him a fresh set of Pyjamas. You crawled into bed and let Bucky lay his head on your chest.    "Feeling any better baby?" You asked him while stroking his hair.

"a little, thank you for taking care of me"

"of course anything for my baby"

Bucky sat up and pulled off his t-shirt and then looked at you to do the same. You sat up and then pulled your top off, leaving both you a Bucky half naked. He laid his head back down on your chest, and snuggled into your naked breasts. You knew skin to skin contact helped Bucky, especially with you because he could smell every single sent off you.

You laid there for awhile until you felt Bucky's metal arm come up and grab one of your boobs "You okay baby"

"Yeah, I just need to feel you, that's all"

You looked down at his sweatpants to see his cock forming a tent in them, you could also see a wet patch forming were pre-cum must have been leaking out.



"You wanna tell me something"

"I-I'm sorry, you- you probably don't wanna do this know i'll go to the bathroom and "sort it out", sorry" he got up to start walking to the bathroom.

"Bucky come back, baby c'mere" he started walking back and sat on the end of the bed. You pushed off the covers and scooted down beside him. You place your hand on his thigh and started rubbing up and down, causing Bucky to let out heavy, shaky breaths. You lifted your hand to go to the other thigh, light ghosting over his hard cock.

You grabbed his hand and used your other hand to turn him to look at you. "Do you want me to help you"

"Yes please"

You pushed him back so his legs were on the floor and his back was on the mattress, you slowly tugged at his sweatpants allowing his cock to spring free. The angry red tip leaking with pre-cum, needing release. You swirl your tongue around it, the salty taste settling on your tongue.

You ducked your head up and down taking most of him into your mouth, you had one hand resting on Bucky's lower stomach and one hand gently rubbing his balls. You could hear the light moans coming from him and could feel his cock twitching in your mouth. You slowly brought your head up, releasing his cock with a pop.

"what no, why are you stopping?" Bucky questioned you very upset. You straddled his legs with his cock sitting in between you and Bucky's stomachs and brushed his hair behind his ears. "Do you wanna come in me baby?"

"Oh my god yes please mommy- i mean baby yes, sorry" Bucky's face was going bright red with embarrassment but you could feel the pool gathering in between your legs.

"You gonna be a good boy for mommy?"

"Yes mommy" he said very quietly, adjusting to your new name.

You lifted yourself up and slowly descended onto his cock. Bucky threw his head back with the feeling of pleasure. You had his hair wrapped in your fists holding on for balance. He laid down pulling you with him, trying his best to take charge but you didn't let him. "C'mon baby, you can do it, cum in mommy"

You started bouncing harder when you felt his cock twitch inside of you. "Yo-you're so tight and warm mommy, I love you so much"

"Your such a good boy for mommy I love you so much too baby boy"

"m-mommy, i'm close, can I- can i cum, please"

"Yes baby, cum, cum for mommy"

Bucky released into you, spurting hot cum onto your walls. His hips were bucking up into yours and his legs were shaking. Your orgasm followed his, causing you to fall on top of him. You stayed there for a while tracing circles on his chest with your finger, whispering sweet praises into his ear. After a while you pulled out, and sat back up at the top of the bed, Bucky soon followed. You curled back into resting his head back on your chest.

"I love you so much" he paused for a minute before speaking again. "I love my mommy so much"

"I love my baby boy"

oh this should be fun


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