Better alone

104 2 0

bucky x fem!reader

Warnings: fluff, sad bucky, smut, premature ejaculation, champagne blow job, fingering and slight bit of voyeurism.

Summary: you're the only one who remembers Bucky's birthday, so that calls for a party for 2

Word count: 1.4k

You said to everyone to meet at 8pm because Bucky always goes to get a bottle of beer at that time. It was going to be a surprise party.
You really wanted Bucky to have the best birthday ever, it's only his 4th birthday he got to celebrate as himself since the war. You ordered his favourite cake, his favourite food and drinks and made sure everyone was off when you scheduled it. You had the floor set up with balloons and lights all around. You wanted this to be the best night ever.

You got dressed in your red matching suit  and headed to the lift. You were a little late but that was okay. You thought by now you would be able to hear music playing or at least people talking but no it was very quiet. The doors opened and there was no one there. Not a single person.

You stepped onto the floor and took a look around. The champagne glasses were still a lined up, no food had been touched and the stereo hadn't even been plugged in ''They forgot''

The deep voice from behind startling you out of your haze. You saw Bucky get up off a chair and began walking over to you. He was all dressed up in a suit for his birthday.  ''Jesus Bucky don't do that. Where are they?''

''Like I said they forgot, their all doing stuff like I don't exist'' He grabbed a flute of champagne and threw himself down on the long leather couch. 

"I'm gonna fucking kill them" you mumbled under your breath before chugging down an entire glass of champagne. You sat down beside Bucky giving you a better look at his face. Tear stained. Red. Puffy.

You ran your thumb over his cheek, still damp from his tears. You could see tears start to prickle at his eyes again causing you wrap you arms around him, and pull him tightly into your chest. "I'm so sorry Buck, I really thought they would remember"

He pulled away from you, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his blazer. "It's okay, it's not your fault" You looked down not sure what to say next but Bucky let go of your hand softly before speaking again. "You can go if you want now doll, your wasting your time"

"No Bucky I'm not leaving, I want you to have a good time, this was all for you so let's do this"
You jumped off the couch and went to plug in the stereo. It started with a fast song. You went back over to Bucky and grabbed his hand pulling him up to dance. He quickly took lead pulling you into his chest, spinning you around, grasping as your hips while your ass grazed up against his crotch. The song stopped and a slow song began to play. You wrapped your arms around Bucky's neck and he placed his on your hips as you two started gently swaying to the sound the music.

As you reached the middle of the song, you laid your head down on Bucky's shoulder, and him resting his in top of yours. "Can I tell you something doll?"

"Sure Buck go ahead"

"I like it better this way, just the two of us, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if there were more"

"I liked it better this way too Buck"

You stared at each other for a few seconds before slowing inching your faces closer together and crashing your lips against his. The kiss was slow and passionate. Bucky's hands dropped from your shoulders to your hips as you pulled away from the kiss. You looked back at each other, both trying it catch your breaths. Before you could Bucky had swooped his hands under your thighs and began carrying you over to the couch. He placed you under him as you felt him tug away at your bottoms, leaving you just in your black Lacy underwear. Bucky rubbed the pads of his fingers over your clothed clit, making waves of electricity shoot through your body.

He rested his metal arm against the inside of your thigh, the coolness of it making you shiver. Bucky took his other hands and moved your panties aside, running his fingers through your wetness "This all for me babygirl?"
"Yes James all for yo- ohmigod" You were cut off by Bucky inserting two fingers into your burning core, dragging them in and out causing you to buck your hips up into his palm making Bucky push your hips back down.

You could feel yourself getting close as Bucky curled his fingers into to your sweet spot. "Cum on baby cum for me" Your moans were straight out pornographic, so we're his. Bucky rested his head against your shoulder as he caught his breath. He really hope you didn't notice that he came in his trousers. "You okay?" you whisper as he sits back up

"I'm sorry, I got excited, it's been a while" He said while look down at the wet patch that formed in his trousers. He moved your hand down to his crotch and gently palmed over the wet patch while kissing the side of his face. He let out shaky heavy breaths as he brought one hand up to massage your boob.

You got off the couch and went over to the tray's of champagne, leaving Bucky shocked that you left him to get a drink. You walked back over to him, placing you glass to the side and kneel down in between his knees. You undid the button of his trousers and pulled his hard cock out. You wrapped your hand around it and began stroking up and down at a dreadfully slow pace. You pick up your glass, and chugged some of the champagne back, holding in the side of your cheeks. You brought it Bucky's cock your mouth, "Doll what are yo- oh my fucking god!"

You slid Bucky's cock into you mouth letting the bubbles of champagne wrap around his cock, along with you tongue making Bucky feel like he's died and gone to heaven. He wrapped his fingers around your hair, guiding your head up and down.
"Oh shit doll doin' so well" You could feel his cock twitching more and more, as he got closer. You lifted your head back up to take another swig of champagne. You began bobbing your head up and down and with one last thrust of his hips Bucky shot his seed down your throat.

Bucky threw his head back as he tried to catch his breath as you pulled your head up, he looked down at you "Do you want to spit" he asked you, i'm response you stuck your tongue out at him, making him let out a loud groan. You scooted back up onto the couch beside, wrapping his arm around you as you curled into his chest "Happy Birthday Buck"

"Thank you dolly"

You were curled up into Bucky when you saw your phone light up from your trousers pocket on the floor. You pulled it out to see Natasha calling you "Hey Nat?"

"Em angel did you forget something?"

"Eh no you forgot about Bucky's party though"

"No hun you forgot that it was a surprise party"

Suddenly you saw all your Avengers teammates step out from behind different furnitures. Steve stood up from behind the couch looking truly scarred and Clint jumped down from the vents that were sitting right over you.

"What the fuck doll?"

"Why didn't you guys jump out"

"Well first we wanted to wait for you to show up, but when you did, you two started being all cute n' stuff so we left you but then you got all horny, and just kept getting worse and worse to the point where we couldn't jump out" Natasha explained to you while rubbing Peter's back, Peter who looked truly traumatised by what just happened in front of the plant he was sitting behind.

Both yours and Bucky's faces were glowing red with embarrassment. You put your trousers back on, and still sat with Bucky as everyone else chit chatted. "I'm so sorry Buck, that must have been so embarrassing"

"Actually not really doll, now everyone knows that i'm yours and your mine" he answered before kissing you. Bucky slowly got up taking your hand into his and pulling you up to dance.

After a few minutes you sat back down as Steve was about to make his toast. Steve went into great detail about how much we all loved Bucky and that you and him finally broke the wall of sexual tension, and how traumatised everyone will be after this night.

Just a Steve finished his speech, people began clapping as he stepped into mic and asked "Alright who wants champagne" causing you and Bucky to choke on the drink you were drinking.


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