Not that, just you

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avenger!bucky x avenger!reader

Summary: You return from a mission but you and Bucky have different plans

Warnings: light smut, safeword use, fluff, mentions of blood and injuries, pet name uses (sweets and darling) established relationship.

A/N: first fic i've written in a day, you guys should be proud.
Word count: 1.7k

It was a long mission, very long. You were out on it for over 5 weeks, Bucky only joining you for 2 of them before he got lightly injured and Tony forced him to go home.

You swung the bedroom door open causing it to hit the wall behind it, waking Bucky up. He shot up out of bed, terrified of who was there, until he saw standing in the doorway. "Hey sweets your back" he said pulling the covers off of him to go to. You dropped you bag and sagged your shoulders just waiting for him to come to you.

Once he did he wrapped his arms around you shoulders squeezing you lightly causing you to wince. Bucky let go of you, placing his hands on your shoulder looking you up and down as tears began to prickle at your eyes. "Im sorry Buck, it's just it was tough, and it wasn't even successful"

He pulled you in close as you sobbed. Bucky cradled the back of your head whispering into your ear. He felt your knees buckle, making him tighten his grip around you waist and bringing you down slowly to the ground. "It's okay darling I have you" You laid your head down onto this thighs, as he began stroking your hair. He moved his hand down from you hair and began gently rubbing your side until he got to your hip where he felt a dampness of blood seeping through. "Sweets, Are you hurt?"
"I'm sorry Bucky, it's just- medbay was full, both Nat and Stevie got injured, like badly and I didn't wanna bother them"

"Sweets, I know you didn't wanna bother them but your injured you should have at least told me"

Bucky picked you up and laid you down on the bed, before peeling back your tac gear to reveal a stab wound to the side. He slipped into your shared bathroom and got the first aid kit. He cleaned and stitched you up, his heartbreaking at every wince and hiss noise came out of your mouth.

Once he was finished he removed the rest of your suit and pulled the covers up on you. He crawled in next to you, wrapping you up in his arms. He fell asleep in his chest, feeling his heartbeat under you.

You woke up the next morning laid flat on your back, sun breaking through the curtains onto your face. You rolled onto your side but stopped after feeling the pain of your stab wound fight back. Your little moan of pain waking Bucky up. "Hi darling, you up long"
"No just now, you okay baby?" You asked while rubbing your thumb over the stumble on his worried face "Just worried sick about you sweets"

"I'm home now Buck, you don't need to worry anymore" He leaned in closer to you for a kiss, which quickly became more and more passionate. Bucky moved from your lips down to your neck, to your breasts, stomach and eventually the inside your thighs. He was kissing down your body, kissing over every scratch, scar and stretch mark.

He began kissing the inside of your thighs more aggressively, his teeth grazing up against them. He slowly moved his head in between your legs, flicking over your clit with his tongue a few times before he heard you cry out "Shit - stop - tinkerbell" along with taps to the top of his head. He quickly pulled away, before moving up beside you. "Shit darling are you okay"

"I'm sorry Buck, I just- i - i don't wanna do this right n-now, I just got back and I wanna be with you" you sobbed out, tears forming around your eyes.

"Hey no don't be sorry, it's my fault I shoulda asked, c'mon you wanna cuddle"

"Yes" He shuffled himself back up beside you, his back against the headboard, wrapping you in under his arm. You were there for a little while before you noticed the hard-on sitting in Bucky's shorts. You placed your hand down on his thigh, causing Bucky to hitch his breath in. "Do you want me to help" you whispered just loud enough for Bucky to hear.

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