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heavy roommate!bucky vibes

Maybe you come home super drunk. "Buuuuckkyyyyy" you stumble down the hall calling his names "Buuuuuuuuuuuckkkky"

"Doll?" he peeps he head out of his bedroom door "What are you doing up- are you drunk?"

"Maybe baby Bucky, maybe"

"Get in here c'mon get in" He opens his door wider as you fall in, him catching you as your drunken giggles fill in room. As you get your balance stare at him in the face. "Handsome"

"Get some rest honey, you need it"

"No I don't you know what I need Bucky?" You push the covers off and swung your legs over his hips, straddling them. You leaned down to his ear and whispered "I need sex" before biting at his lobe.

Bucky grabbed the globes of your ass and flipped you back to your side "Maybe tomorrow honey but you're too drunk"

You huffed out like a child and crossed your arms over your chest with a pout. "You're too drunk bitch"

He rolled over and turned off his bedside light. "G'night honey"

You kicked your foot up under the duvet. "Im not going to sleep without sex" you shouted

"What if i do this" you began kicking his back as hard as you can. He sat up with a grunt and switched on his light. "Seriously honey?"

you gave him the most dramatic puppy eyes ever. He turned to look at you. "Ok honey how about this, i'll kiss you and then in the morning we see about the sex 'kay?"

"Fine" you groaned out

He slowly leaned in, cradling the back of your head and crashing his lips against yours. You tried to slip your tongue in but he wouldn't let you. You pulled away and your eyes started to get heavy and your head felt so heavy. You dropped into the pillow as Bucky pulled the covers up on you. He was so happy with himself, he finally kissed you

You woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. You groaned waking Bucky. "Mornin' doll"

"Hi Buc-" you stopped mid sentence, noticing your favourite lipstick spread over Bucky's lips. "Bucky? Did we kiss?"

"Yep, you sent you weren't going asleep without sex, hell you even straddled me, so we settled on a kiss and then you passed out"

"Shit I'm so sorry" you said while rubbing your forehead, not noticing Bucky slip in closer to you. "Don't worry about it honey"

Bucky wrapped his arm around you shoulder, pulling you closer and kissing your temple "I will admit, not how i thought i would kiss you for the first time"

"Why do you try again then Buchanan"

He slowly tuned his head to look and you and moved closer once again crashing his lips against yours, except this time he let you tongue slip in, running across his teeth and grazing the inside of his mouth. Bucky dropped one his hands down and began toying with the waistband of your panties.

He slipped his hand in and ran his fingers through your folds. "Fuck honey so wet, this all for me?" he mumbled in between kisses "All for you Bucky"

Bucky pushed two fingers into your cunt, pumping them in and out, curling at your sweet spot. "shit Bucky I'm close"

"C'mon baby cum for me you can do" He had his forehead pressed up against your temple, panting as you moaned. You grasped your hands around his arm, his veins bulging out with every movement, turning you on even more. "Fuck, fuck, fuck I'm coming"

You came all over Bucky hand, he slowly pulled his out as you caught your breath "That was fucking amazing honey, good job" he kissed you again. You grasped onto his shoulder and swung your legs over his lap, straddling him once again. "My turn"

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