3 months 6 days 15 hours

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ex!Bucky x barista!fem!reader

Summary: You weren't expecting Bucky to come back into your life, you also weren't expecting this to happen when he did.

Characters: Bucky x reader (a mess of romantic) Sam x reader (platonic) The Wilson's (platonic) Peter x reader (platonic)

Warnings: Angst (cause I'm a bitch for this shit) smut: (no foreplay, passionate, p in v) fluff, Bucky being a bit of a dick. Sam being a sweetheart

Word count: 3.6k

All mistakes are my own :)

It hurt. Bucky had been out of your life for a few months now. You loved him so much, you still do. Bucky broke up with you randomly one day over text. You swore a bullet would have hurt more.

BB 💕: We're over, I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore

You: Bucky what are you talking about

You can no longer message this number.

After the first week you kept bumping into him, but just kept ignoring him. You decided you needed to pack up and leave. You moved to Louisiana, your good friend Sam Wilson said that you could move into his sisters house. Of course you accepted the offer you loved staying at Sarah's, Aj and Cass were always so much fun to be around. Although it was a bit hard to answer the "Where's uncle Bucky" question without breaking their little hearts.

Sam and Bucky decided to part ways after taking down the flag smashers, and then they eventually lost contact over time. After about a month at staying at Sarah's, you bought your own house, just down the road from Wilson's. You got your own job at a café a 20 minutes walk from your house. All was good.

You were on our way to work, when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out. It was Sam.

Sammy 💕: You need to get home, fast

You: Is everything okay?

Sammy 💕: Just come home

You quickly turned on your heels and started walking at a faster pace the other way. Once you got to the Wilson's you knocked on the door in 3 quick knocks. Sam opened the door. "Hi Y/N"

"Sam what the hell is going on"

"Go in"

When you turned the corner Aj and Cass spotted you. They jumped of there stools and ran over to you "Auntie Y/N! Auntie Y/N!"

"Hey guys, how are my favourite boy's doing" You squatted down beside them, ruffling their hairs.

"Y/N! Y/N! Uncle Bucky is back and he brought cake"


Sarah came storming around the corner "Boy's what did I say! Y/N I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you myself"

You pulled Sarah aside by the elbow "Why would you call me back if he was here, I don't want to see him"

"I know but he was asking to see you"

"Well I'm going back to work, tell him to stay away and that I don't want to see him"

You slammed the door and began walking to work again. You were have way there when you heard fast footsteps approaching "Y/N wait hold on!" You whipped your head around before stopping "Bucky what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Please I just wanna talk to you, please"

"No Bucky I need to leave"

"Y/N please"

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