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Summary: You and your fiancé Bucky are over at Steve and Sharon's babysitting for them while they take a trip to the coast but this springs some ideas into Bucky's brain.

Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, baby care, pregnancy smut (oral, fingering, breeding kink, calling each other mommy and daddy, creampie) soft bucky.

Parings: Steve and Sharon x reader (platonic) Bucky x Reader (romantic) Matt Murdock x reader (past romantic now platonic)

Word Count: 3.2k

"I'm gonna get ya"Bucky said while chasing around Sara, while you held little Jamie close to your chest. Sara was running around the coffee table squealing as Bucky chased her.

"Be careful you two" you said but they didn't hear you from the all the excitement.

You and Bucky had offered to take care of Jamie and Sara while Steve and Sharon took a trip to give them some "them time". Sara was 6 while little Jamie was only 2. Bucky eventually caught Sara and started tickling her to the ground, her giggles filling the room.Bucky picked her up and plopped her down on the couch beside you while she tried to catch her breath.

"You guys hungry?" you questioned while ruffling Sara's hair. "Yes, yes, yes, yes auntie y/n/n can I have the dino nuggies pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasee". She was practically begging you at this point

"Okay, ok, just as long as you promise not to tell your mommy and daddy you had them for 3 nights in a row" you warned her jokingly.

You slowly started to get up, trying not to move Jamie too much when Bucky gently pushed you back down. "You stay there doll, I'll stick it on" he said cupping your face with one hand.

"Are you sure? It's kind of a complicated oven to work"

"I'm sure i'll work it out, and maybe little Sara here can help"Sara jumped off the couch into Bucky's arms. "Make sure you stick on enough for Jamie as well Buck" you told him before he got to the kitchen.


You sat there for the next 25 minutes cuddling Jamie who was spread out across your chest, you had switched on the tv and were flicking through channels. You could hear Bucky and Sara in the kitchen giggling and squealing. Bucky walked out of the kitchen with two plates and Sara following behind him. He sat down on the couch while you woke up Jamie for his dinner.

After the kids had finished eating Bucky stuck on Cinderella on the tv. You had Jamie resting back on your chest and Sara was lying across your lap and you had your head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky slipped over to the corner of the room to get and blanket and covered you all under it. You could slowly feel yourself dozing off

That's when it happened

Bucky looked down at you snoozing on his shoulder, with Jamie and Sara on top of you.

That's when he knew

He wanted to have kids with you and spend the rest of your life together taking care of them.

Bucky just couldn't get enough of how much he loves seeing you with kids. He thought of how beautiful you looked as a mom. He was on the verge of tears with how cute you guys looked together.

He lightly tapped on your shoulder. "Babydoll?"

"mhm yeah Buck"

"I think we should bring these guys up to bed, their sound asleep"

"good idea"


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