Sunrise kisses

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roommate!Bucky x fem!reader

Summary: fed up of shitty dates and terrible friends, you turn to Bucky.

Warnings: like the summary; shitty dates and even shittier friends, fluffy bucky, kisses, cuddles, crying, comfort, mutual pinning.

Word count: 1.5k

You were sitting on the curb, mascara and make-up running down your face, along with your salty tears.

2 hours, a full 2 hours, you waited for your date to show up, but the restaurant kicked you out because you were taking up a table. You grabbed your phone and called your friend Daisy.

"Y/N what the fuck?"

"D-daisy I'm so sorry but can you pick me up"

"it's past 10 no, seriously, your being a bit selfish"

Daisy harshly hung up the phone, leaving you shocked. You tried some of your other friends

Jessica: Hung up

Nicole: Pretty sure she was having sex

Michelle: Hung up

You were scrolling through your contacts seeing who you could call, when you scrolled over Bucky's names.

You thought about it, you really wanted to call him you didn't really want to get in a fight with your roommate if he thought you were being selfish, but you really needed someone, anyone. You hit the call button and waited for him to pick or for it most likely to go voicemail.

"Ssssssh you gotta be quiet my roommate could be home" Bucky hushed his date into the room, her drunk giggles filling the room. Bucky followed her into the room, grabbing her by the waist and leaving sloppy kisses down her neck.

"C'mon Sarge bring me to your room" Bucky picked her up, placing his hands under her thighs and brought her to his room. He threw her down on the bed, when he felt his phone buzz from his back pocket. He pulled it and threw it on his bedside table, he was going to ignore it, until he spotted your face, on his screen. Bucky quickly climbed off his date and grabbed the phone and answered, his date still lying on the bed in disgust.

"Y/N are you okay"

"C-Can you come and get me- please" He looked over at his date and listened quietly in the phone, he could hear your cries through the phone. "Yes of course sweets, I'm on my way, where are you?"

"Sitting outside Betties Diner"

Bucky stood up and re buckled his trousers before looking back at his date.

"You need to leave"


"I have something to do so get out, I probably won't call you later"

The women stood up in disgust and stormed out. Bucky grabbed his coat and keys and left.

When he pulled outside Betties he couldn't see you until he looked down to see you sitting on the curb. He pulled over and got out, running over to you, thinking something happened to you.

When you saw Bucky running towards you, you grabbed your purse and your heels that you abandoned a while ago and ran over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He felt you begin to cry into his shoulder, bringing his hand up to the back of your head and stroking your hair. "Shhh, it's okay sweets I got you"

Bucky brought you over to his car, opening the door for you. When he got in, you looked over at him with a saddened face. "Sorry Bucky, I didn't want to call you but there was no one else"

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