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Bucky x fem!reader

Summary: You are injured and Bucky's here to help.

Warnings: Soft Bucky, pinning, injuries, female and male masterbation, smut, to much fluff, Bucky showers with reader, cockwarming.

Word Count: 2.2k

A light tap on the door "Doll can I come in?"

"Just a - hold on- almost there, ga fuck" you limped over to the door and opened it. "Hey Buck"

"Hey doll?" he said looking at you very confused. "You alright" he as asked while you stood in front of him, with a towel pressed onto your chest doing a very bad job at covering your breasts and your pyjama shorts on back to front "Yeah, Buck I'm perfect"


Bucky knew instantly that, that wasn't the case because you always used perfect, when you were anything but perfect. "Doll, look at you, you are clearly struggling with something, I wanna help"

"Trust me, you don't wanna help" you blushed while tucking some hair behind your ears. Truth is that you have just been masterbating but the wound in your arm from the last mission was making it impossible for you to do anything. "Who says so"

"Me Bucky, listen I'm just gonna shower and go to bed okay? You should probably get some rest too, It's been a long day"

"Y/N, trust me I'm fine let me help you, I can help you shower" He said while smirking, you on the other hand rolled your eyes. "No, Bucky, goodnight" you closed the door harshly in his face before going to the bathroom to shower.

You switched on the water and got stripped of your clothes before hoping in, the warm water stinging your wounded arm. You tried your best to shampoo your hair but ended up dropping the bottle. As you went down to pick up when your knee buckled, you tried to stable yourself using you wounded arm but the pain cause you to fall and hit the floor of the shower. You used your other arm to reach up and turn off the shower.

You sat there for a minute while the pain in your arm ran from your shoulder to your wrist. You tried to get but it was impossible with you being wet and slippy and only being able to use one arm. You tried again but ended up sitting back down with a whimper. A minute later you heard a knock on the door "Y/N"

"don't come in hold on- ow- fuck ah shit, never mind I'm not coming to the door what do you want"

"Y/N it's Bucky, I heard whimpers are you okay?"

"No, I fell I can't get back up"

"Doll do you want me to help you? I know your naked but I can stand you being in distress"

"Okay" you replied very quietly. Bucky gently turned the door knob and walked over to you, sitting on the floor of your shower. "Hi Buck"

He squatted down beside you and took you by one arm and helped you up. Once you were standing Bucky tried his best to not look at anywhere else but your face. "Okay doll, I'm gonna wait for you outside on your bed, just holler if you need me okay?"

"Okay" you said very hesitantly. Just as Bucky was about to walk out the door you called back for him. "Yeah doll"

"Can you - eh- can you help me"

"You want me to help you shower?"

"Yes Bucky I want you to help me shower! alright it's hard with one arm okay! please, unless your uncomfortable with it"

"Okay, okay it's okay I'll help it's okay" Bucky stripped his clothes in the bathroom, but kept his boxers on. He stepped in behind you and ghosted his hands over your shoulders, not wanting to touch you yet. You turn around to face him and he looks down at you. Your eyes were bloodshot, bags formed under your them and your cheeks were red and puffy from crying. He looked at you with a saddened smile knowing you were upset from the mission.

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