Can't do it

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Bucky x fem!reader

Summary: Bucky can't quite do it, so you step into help.

Warnings: male masterbation, smut, fluff, sexual frustration, small bit of angst if you squint.

Word count: 4.2k (sorry this was supposed to be a drabble)

all mistakes are my own

He tried everything, fucking everything, porn, toys, audios, own fucking imagination

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He tried everything, fucking everything, porn, toys, audios, own fucking imagination. But he just couldn't do it, he just couldn't cum.

It was frustrating, hell infuriating.

He could feel himself getting there, just right there, just on the edge but nothing.

Days, weeks, months he's been jacking off every night for hours and getting no where. He feels bad for the other teammates who have had to deal with him being so frustrated, he got so much frustration back, except for Y/N..

She was kind to him, she knew something was up and she really didn't mind if he didn't tell her. She felt that it was up to him if he wanted to share it with her.

After exactly 2 hours and 26 minutes, Bucky stood up and put his sweatpants and boxers back on and went out to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. He probs himself up on the one of the stools before burying his head in hands, letting out a little sob.

"B-bucky?" You poke your sleepy head up from the couch, startling Bucky doing so.

"Jesus doll, you scared the life outta me, what ya doing sleeping on the couch?"

"I wanted to watch Legally Blonde, so I did and then wasn't bothered to move, what are you doing up Barnes?" You sat up to get a better look at him.

"Couldn't sleep" You could tell he was lying but didn't pry.

"We'll do you wanna stay up with me, we can watch Legally Blonde 2 or a different movie?"

"Im-m ok doll, I'm gonna try and gets some sleep" He said straight back to you looking really saddened.

"Bucky c'mere for a minute, I wanna talk to you" You patted the seat beside you gesturing him to come towards you. He sat down and crossed his legs facing you, you coping him and facing him.

"I just wanted to say to you Buck, I know something is bothering you, like really bothering you, and I just want you to know that if you ever need me to do anything, anything at all, I'm here for you, I promise" you were holding Bucky's hand stroking his callused knuckles with your thumb.

When you were finished speaking Bucky lifted his head to look at you, his eyes were filled with tears. "Bucky hun are you okay?" He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled himself in for a hug. He wrested his chin on your shoulder and let the tears run down his face while you stroked his back.

"I'm so sorry Y/N"

"Bucky? What for?" He pulled back from the hug to look you in the face. "For how i've been acting recently, I've been so bitchy to everyone around"

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