First Time

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Summary: you let it slip to your roommate Bucky that your a virgin, he gives you the chance to change that........

warnings: smut, fluff, reader is a virgin, fingering oral, squirting, safe word calling, bucky being the softest human being ever, after care :)

word count: 3.3k

Flashbacks are in italics and bold :)

"C'mon Y/N let's do it" Bucky nagged while pulling your arm, "I wanna play it"

"No Bucky, it's a stupid game for children" you huffed. Bucky was currently trying begging you to play truth or dare, you told him you really didn't want to but after about 3 minutes he hit you with his puppy eyes and you really just couldn't resist then. "Fine, find i'll play but only for 15 minutes"

Bucky squealed with excitement, so happy he finally convinced you to play. Although you said 15 minutes, that 15 slowly moved into 30 then into and hour then eventually 2 hours you guys ended up sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, facing each other.

"Ok Buck, truth or dare" you questioned him with a smirk on your face

"mhm, Dare!" he said very excitedly.

"Ok I dare you to call Sam, and when he picks up say you can't talk right now and hang up"

"Oooooh that's good ok, i'll do it" Bucky pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to call Sam, before he picked up the phone you looked over at the clock to see that it was 1:30 am. You heard Sam pick up the phone and answer with a very deep and sleepy voice, "Hello?"

"Sam I can't talk right now I'll call you back later" Bucky replied trying his best not to laugh, "What the fuck Barnes you called me, it's 1:30 in the morning go the fuck to sleep" you heard Sam shout back on the other end of the phone.

You were on the floor in laughter, ribs aching from laughing so much. Bucky hung up the phone and joined in on the laughter. "Alright, Alright Y/N truth or dare?"

"mhm truth!" you said slightly nervous for what Bucky was going to ask. "Ok tell me your body count" You started laughing lightly to yourself knowing that you can't answer that question.

"What's so funny, oh god did I used the term wrong, oh no that means something completely different doesn't it?" Bucky groaned knowing that he isn't used to the new terms "No, no, no Bucky, you used it perfectly, it's just I can't tell you that"

"What! Why not?"

"Because I just can't alright"

"Nah uh, if I can tell you my secrets you have to tell me yours, that's how the game works"

"Ok but I don't want to so no, just leave it Bucky" He could see the tears start to form in your eyes, Bucky always knew that if someone pressured you, you would get emotional about it because of your past. "Oh no Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you" Bucky scooted up close to you and pulled you into a tight hug. Strangely enough you felt safe there. "I'm sorry Y/N it was a stupid game and I took it too far"

"You're right it's is a stupid game" you let out under your breath. Bucky held you in a tight hug for a couple minutes before you pulled away to sit up and look him straight in the eyes. "Ok, the reason I didn't want to tel-" "No, Y/N you don't have to explain yourself" he cut you off mid sentence.

"No, no, Bucky I want to, the reason I didn't want to tell you is because, I'm a virgin, ok, and I just I felt embarrassed about it"

"Y/N that's totally fine and nothing to be embarrassed about" Bucky took you hand into his and started to stroke your knuckles. "Thanks Buck, I appreciate it"

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