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Bucky x fem!reader

Summary: Bucky is there for you when you get into an accident

Warnings: Reader gets into a minor car accident, no major injuries, mention of blood, fluffy Bucky, pregnancy ;) plus intentions of smut

Word count: 1.1k

Bucky had just gotten home from work. He threw himself down on the couch and turned on the tv, but his eyes weren't focused on the screen playing in front of him, his eyes were glued to the door waiting for you to come home.

His staring was distrusted when he felt his phone vibrating from his pocket. He dug down in his jeans to find it, when he did he pulled it out and saw "Private Number" at the top of the screen. Worry and suspicion filled his brain as he answered it.

"Hello is this Mr. Barnes?"

"Yes who is this?"

"This is Brooklyn General Hospital, your wife Y/N was brought in here earlier today after a minor car accid-"

Bucky hung up the phone, leapt off the couch, grabbed his keys and left. He was fuming, angry, he truly believed he was going to kill whoever did this to you.

The 45 minute drive to the hospital felt like 4 years for Bucky. When he ran, he slammed his metal fist down on the front desk "Y/N Barnes, room, now!" he demanded to the man sitting at the front desk.

"Room 403"
He ran to the elevator, pounding his hand on the 4th floor button. When he heard the light bing and the doors pull open. He stormed off in the direction of your room. When he got your room he grabbed the knob, taking a deep breath before turning.

When he walked in, he saw you lying on the bed. Stitches running over your chest, bruises over your eyes and a cut over the bridge of your nose. His heart dropped and his eyes welled with tears. He ran over to the seat beside the bed and took your hand in to his.

"Doll, I'm so sorry, Jesus how could this happen to you, I promise I'm gonna take care of you, no matter what happens I'll be there, I love you so much"
He whispered into your hands while he rested his head on your thigh, the wetness of his tears seeping through the pyjamas. He didn't hear you pick up your other hand. He got a little startled when you place it at the back of his head. "I love you so much too Buck"

"Oh god hi doll" He slowly got and started giving you kisses on the forehead and then down you face saying to you

"I" smooch "Love" smooch "You" smooch "So" smooch "Fucking" smooch "Much"

"Buck, calm down I'm fine"

"Doll your not fine c'mon, when are they letting you out"

"2 days"

"2 days!? Why?"

"I have a fractured rib and they just wanna make sure it doesn't puncture my lung"

Bucky gave you one of the most saddened look you've ever seen. You hook your finger under his chin so he can look at you "Hey, I'm gonna be okay"

You scoot over lightly to allow Bucky to slid in beside you. When a nurse came into to tell Bucky to leave, he used his "I'm an Avenger" card which he hated doing but he would for you. He stayed there for the rest night cuddling into your chest while you ran your fingers through his hair. He made sure he was there for you for the next 2 days, getting you everything you need, food, water, when you needed to go to the bathroom, he was there for you.

He helped you back your bag as you ate your last lunch at the hospital. The nurse knocked on the door, slowly opening it. "Hi Y/N can I talk to you for a minutes"

"Of course, is something wrong?"

"No not at all, it's just to do with your bloods" When Bucky heard this he made his way over to your side.

"Well we were checking over them before you leave and we discovered something"

"Well would you like to say what it is" Bucky said a little harshly, causing you to look at him sternly while giving his hand a tight squeeze.

"Well, there's not easy way to say this, You're pregnant"

You and Bucky turned to each other wide-eyes and big smiles. Yours filling up with tears. Bucky grabbed you in for a tight hug, causing you to whine "Oh shit sorry doll"

He held your head in his two hands as tears of happiness rolled down, you wrapped your hands around his wrist and you pressed your forehead to his. "We're gonna be parents" you sobbed out

"Yeah we are"

The entire ride open Bucky couldn't stop crying. He was so happy. He helped you inside and brought you straight to bed. He propped you up in the bed, and got you everything you needed. Around 10:30 you decided to go sleep, but you were woken a couple hours later to Bucky's side of the bed cold and empty.

You went downstairs to see Bucky with his fists up to his nose sobbing, from your point of view it was hard to see if he was happy or sad but as you got closer you could tell he was upset.

You went over to him and sat down beside him. When he felt you in his presence he quickly wiped the tears away, thinking that you wouldn't see "Hey doll you okay? you need anything?"

"Bucky, if your not okay, I'm not okay, can you tell me what's wrong"

Bucky started to cry again as he curled into your chest, you could feel his tears seeping through your pyjamas. He pulled away and looked you in the face. "It's just I'm scared, I'm gonna be a bad father, like I-I'm scared I might hurt the baby or you, like it's - it's definitely gonna be stressful, I don't want that to do anything to you and me, I love you and I don't want to loose you.

"Hey, hey look at me Buck, I just know your gonna be a amazing father, you're gonna love this kid so much, okay? you've never hurt me before, and i don't think you ever will. Yes it's going to be stressful but we're gonna be here for each other and you could never loose me if you tried" You began placing little kisses on his temple while playing with his hands in yours

"Plus your an amazing daddy to me so you should be fine"

Bucky let out a little chuckle before scoffing, jokingly. "Don't start that unless you want another one in there" he said pointing at your stomach.

You held each other there for a little while before you turned to Bucky again. "Do you like dimples"

"Yeah I think their super cute, I mean yours are adorable" he said while poking your cheeks

"You do know you also have dimples, but on your butt"

"What shut up? Baby brain much?"

You climbed up on Bucky's thigh while removing your dressing gown. "Well I heard that, sex while your pregnant can cause your baby to have dimples, what do you think, do you want them to have dimples"

"Absolutely I do"


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