Of course not baby

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roommate!Bucky x fem!reader

Summary: You get told it's disgusting by your boyfriend ex-boyfriend but Bucky loves it.

Warnings: smut, squirting, unprotected sex, fluff, shitty ex boyfriend.

Word Count: 3.2k

A/N: italics represent flashback

You walked into your apartment, slamming the door on your way in. You proceeded to storm over to your bedroom, also slamming that door. You completely ignored Bucky sitting the couch looking at you very concerned. Usually when you got home you sit down with Bucky and talk about your guys day, so it worried Bucky when you didn't

You were angry and upset. You boyfriend had just kicked you out a dumped you mid-fuck session because you squirted.

"C'mon baby, cum for me" he chanted while pounding into you. You could feel the coil tightening in your stomach, but harder then it ever has before. It was your first time sleeping with your boyfriend and he decided to fuck your into the oblivion. You were soon coming around his cock, your legs were shaking your breaths were heavy and your thighs were soaking wet. "What the fuck" he shouted at you confused and angry.
"What baby?" You looked at him very confused.
"What the fuck was the shit coming out of you?" He shouted again while wiping his torso clear of your fluids. "Baby, you made me squirt, it's natural" you replied while sitting up to comfort him, but he backed away.
"Nah I'm not dealing with that, that's disgusting, get the fuck out".
"But baby, I can-".

"Get the fuck out you whore, and don't come back". You were very taken back by his words, causing you get get dressed very quickly, grab your stuff and leave.
You threw your bag down on the bed, followed by your jacket and shoes. Which you didn't even have time to put on. Your boyfriend lived across the street in another apartment block so luckily it wasn't that long of a walk.    You got changed into some pyjamas and turned on some music to put your mind at rest. 20 minutes later you heard a knock at you door. "Y/N, if your awake I made dinner for you."

You let out a small smile at the gesture. Bucky was always too kind and caring of you. He took care of you in a way that your boyfriend never did. You got up and went out into your living room to see Bucky on the couch with 2 plates of food. "Hi" you said lightly while sitting down, taking the plate from his hand. "How was your day" you asked trying to avoid any questions about your day. "Good, I would ask how yours was but I think that obvious, creepy professor again?" he asked knowing that he was the professor that upset you the most.  "No actually it was actually Frank this time"

"What did he do"

"To put it in the simplest terms and not to but you off your dinner, I'm single now."

"That jackass dumbed you? My god! He's fucking stupid, do you want me to go over and beat his ass? Why'd he dump you?"   "Bucky calm down, it doesn't matter also I'd hate to ruin your dinner"

"Ok you can tell me after"

"What! Nooo-" you were interrupted by him shoving a fork full of food into your mouth. You looked over at him with a mouth full of food, trying his best not laugh. You swallowed the food and looked back at him "I hate you" you said to him trying your best not laugh.

You guys finished you food and stuck on a movie. You had your head resting on Bucky's shoulder. All was well, until Bucky felt the shoulder of his t-shirt starting to dampen. He looked to down to see you quietly crying. "Y/N, oh no, come here." You pulled you into his chest as you started to crying louder. He paused the movie so he could try and hear anything you were going to say. "What did he do Y/N seriously I need to know you can't be this upset over nothing."

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