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Stucky x reader

Warnings: Small smut not much tho, fluff, comfort, I feel the need to say fluff again lol

Word Count: 1.5k

You had your legs wrapped around his waist, your hands planted on his chest and your lips crashing against his. The second he saw you he was all over you. Steve had been on the mission for weeks now and finally got home 2 days early to your surprise.

Bucky was also on a mission but he was supposed to be back 4 days ago, you've had contact with him so you know he's alive but you were still worried.

"Oh baby i've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too Stevie" you both spoke in between kisses. You slid your hands down his and to his belt buckle and began fiddling with it.

"Mhmmm Baby, no we need a condom" Steve said breaking away from you. You ducked your head down into his shoulder and whined. "Okaaaaaay"

You got up and tip toed over to your bathroom, and opened up your mirror cabinet to find an empty box of condoms "Fuck" you shouted from the bathroom loud enough that Steve could here

"Aw nooo fuck baby, I forgot we used the last of them before me and Buck left"

You plopped back down on the couch beside Steve and curled into his chest. You kept glancing down at the tent that formed in his pants knowing that it's not going down by itself. Getting up out of Steve's arms he looked at you with confusion. "Where you going baby?"

"I'm going to the store to get condoms, there's no way in hell i'm not gettin' fucked tonight"

You grabbed your shoes and coat and walked out the door. The lift was out so you had to take the stairs. You walked down 2/5 flights of stairs before you saw your other third sitting in the corner, head in his hands sobbing. "Bucky?"

No response

You ran over to him and crouched down beside him. "Bucky?" You kept saying his name even though you knew it was him. The sobbing came to a stop and he slowly lifted his head up to look at you. He was covered in scratches and bruises and his eyes were welling with tears. Once he saw your face smiling back at him offering some type of comfort, he started to crying again putting his head back into his hands. "Aw Buck what's wrong, where's Sam, how did the miss- sorry too many questions"

You tried to pull him into your chest to comfort him but jolted back and whined as you did so. "Bucky?" you said sternly. He looked back up at you before looking down at his hip trying to me sly. "Buck are you hurt" he lightly nodded his head while starting to cry even harder.

"Buck stay here i'm going to get the first aid kit, right now I think it would be unsafe to move you" You stood back up and looked down the rest of the stairs to see blood trailing up it. You ran back up the stairs you had previously descended and burst threw your apartment door to Steve who was still sitting on the couch. "Woah hunny that was fast you really wanna get fucked don't you" you ran by him grabbing the first aid kit.

"Shut it Steve, currently our boyfriend is bleeding out in the stairwell"


"No, fucking Tom Cruise. Yes of course Bucky"

"Shit c'mon let's go" Steve said while following him, you pushed him back in the door. "No Steve you stay here, he's already upset enough"

You closed the door and ran back down to Bucky. Before you started fixing him you gave him some pain killers so he could try and cope. You cleaned him up and by the time you finished stitching him, the painkillers had kicked in. "Y/N?"

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