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Summary:Bucky asks Tony for some updates on Y/N's birthday 

"No Barnes, no! I'm not doing that" Tony stormed back into his lab, slamming his door but Bucky caught.

"Please Tony, for Y/N"

Tony gave him a dead stare before walking away again "get out Buckaroo"

"please, she'll thank you"

"I don't care how much she'll like it, I'm not putting a vibrating setting onto your arm, that's disgusting"

"What like your so innocent yourself"

"Shut it Barnes"

Bucky sat down on the chair beside Tony's desk. "Please Stark"

Tony gave it a minute of contemplation before sighing heavily "give it me"


Bucky did the code that Ayo taught him to remove the arm. The purple hue coming from Bucky's shoulder. He slapped it down on the table and walked out of the lab.

It was only early, he wanted to surprise you for your birthday. You always joked with him about how you wanted him to use his arm on you, and how he could surprise you on your birthday.

Bucky snuck back into your room and crawled back into bed with, he went to put his arm around you put it wasn't there so he just snuggled next to you causing you to stir.

You rubbed your eyes with the palm of your hand as you felt Bucky's heat against your back. "mornin' baby" you groggily. "Hi sweets, happy birthday my love" he began kissing all around your face. You rolled into him but found it strange that there was no cool from his arm. You pulled the duvets back to see that his arm was gone "Eh Buck, where's your arm? Did someone steal your arm? We're we robbed" you were getting a little freaked out now since you've never seen Bucky without his arm "No, no, no sweets don't worry, Tony is just doing some updates"

yeah updates

"Oh okay, will it be done by tonight" you said seductively while running your finger along his face.

"We'll see" he replied, kissing your nose while getting up. You began it get up after him but he pushed you back down "Ah ah ah sweets, breakie in bed today"

You stubbornly sat up against the headboard. "And how do you think you're gonna carry that upstairs?"

Bucky walked over to the wall beside you and gave it a quick bang with his fist, a couple of seconds later Steve came running "Morning! Happy Birthday Y/N"

"Thank you Steve"

Bucky turned to Steve before speaking "Help me make her breakfast pal?"


You rolled your eyes before lying down on the bed. Your curled back up for awhile while Bucky and Steve made breakfast.

Bucky and Steve began cooking breakfast, Steve mainly taking charge because Bucky didn't have his metal arm. "So what updates is Tony doing?" Steve said while pouring the pancake mix into the pan. "Umm" Bucky looked away nervously

"Buck? What's he doing?"

"It's a new setting for - eh for Y/N benefit"

Steve slammed the spatula down laughing. "Oh my god you got a vibrating setting"

"What the fuck how did you know?"

"What other setting would she have "benefits" from" he said holding air quotations around benefits.

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