Never Again

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Summary: The girl next door is Bucky Barnes dream girl but what happens when she need his help......

Warnings: Violence, attack, fluff, romance, Bucky's nightmares, smut/love making (it's very passionate)

A/N :There's a reference to 2 other movies in this fic extra brownie points if you get them ;)

Word Count. 4.1k (I am very sorry 😬)

It was a warm Sunday evening on Blakeley Wood Road. It was your second week on the street and you had been introduced to everyone on the road except the man next door. You had only seen him a couple of times when you were going to get any mail you had received. He was tall, strong, and attractive.

You were sitting out on your front lawn on some new furniture you got from a second hand store that was down the road. You had a book in one hand and a tall glass of lemonade in the other. You heard the door beside you click open. It was your neighbour. You got up quickly and fixed your dress to go and introduce yourself to him. You got up to his door before he turned around. "Hi, I'm Y/N, I just moved him 2 weeks ago and I don't believe we've met" you said while holding out your hand for him to shake it

"Hi Y/N, I'm Bucky, it's nice to meet you" he said while taking your hand. You heard a meowing sound and looked down to see a fluffy white cat walking around Bucky's legs. "And that would be Alpine"

"Oh my god she's so cute" you squealed while bending down to pick Alpine up "Oh no be careful she doesn- oh"

Bucky stopped himself saying Alpine doesn't really like new people but looked up to see Alpine curled up in your chest nudging her head against yours. "Hang on wait she doesn't really like people lemme check this cat is mine" He traced around Alpines neck looking for her tag, just before he found it, his fingers lightly grazed over your chest making you hitch your breath. "Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to"

"It's ok don't worry about"

"Sorry, I'm really nervous when meeting new people, especially when their as beautiful as yourself"

Bucky's words caused a faint blush to grow on your cheeks. You looked down at the ground when a beautiful gold and black sparkle caught your attention. You looked closer at his hand and could see that it goes all the way up, you took a close look at his chest and could see through his white shirt that the arm stops at his shoulder. "Your arm it's very beautiful, can I?" you asked putting your hand near his suggesting you want to touch it. "Yeah sure be my guest" he brought his hand up to yours. You ran your fingers around the bumps and curves of gold. "wow" you said slowly taking your hand away. "Thanks, honestly a lot of people on the street are scared of me because of it, it links back to someone else-"

"The Winter Solider? Right?"

"Yeah how did you know"

"I knew the second I saw you for the first time when I moved in"

"But how did you know I was him?"

"I was on the highway the time you fought Captain America and the Black Widow, so I recognised you"

"Ah Jeez I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No no no, no you didn't" you said in a reassuring tone.

"Well that's good to here"

"I have to get going now but it was nice to meet you Bucky, hopefully I see you around"

"You too Y/N"

You went back to your lawn, and grabbed your book and drink and went inside. You made yourself dinner, and sat down on your couch, to binge watch some tv.

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