Don't look at me like that

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Summary: The mission when south, you thought it couldn't get worse until you have to share one room with Bucky. Your enemy.

Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, one bed trope but room, descriptions of wounds and bullet removals, smut, wet dreams, masterbation, fingering, oral (fem receiving), creampie, aftercare, fluff
Word count: 3.1k

It was dark and icy. You wobbled into the safe house- sorry scratch that safe room

It was the closest, but the smallest. It contained a small bed, a stove, a small shower with a very clear curtain and a bucket outside for a toilet.
The mission was a complete bust. You were sent in to retrieve an old file from a hyrda base. Everything went to shit when you thought you saw someone but ended up shooting a wall causing it to collapse. Bucky then fell down a flight of stairs, setting off booby traps which resulted in your getting shot in the side. Then the agents shown up. They beat the living hell out of you and Bucky, resulting in you two leaving empty handed and pissed off.

Bucky sat down on the tiny bed, clearly not effected by the cold while you paced across the room, shivering. You sat down on the chair of the one person table sitting beside the stove. Bucky didn't chance looking at you. "Y/N are you-"

"Don't fucking start Barnes I'm not in the mood"

"I don't know why you're so pissed off at me, you shootin' that damn wall is probably the reason the agents showed up for christ sake"
You had no reply you just sat there while he stared at you. "What no smart-ass reply" and that's when he saw it.

He saw your eyes roll into the back of your head and your body slowly fall to the floor. You landed with a thud.

Bucky didn't know if you passed out from blood loss or the cold. There was no heat coming from your body so he assumed the cold. He ripped the blanket and the sheets off the bed, quickly before propping you up against him in front of the fire. He wrapped the thick knitted blanket around you before draping the sheet around both of you.
Your head was resting against Bucky's flesh arm when your eyes started to flutter open. The sound of fire crackling in front of you and Bucky's heavy, anxious breathing behind you was all you could hear. You tried to move but the pain in your side caused you to hiss through your teeth.

"Jesus Y/N what the fuck happened?" Bucky asked once you began to move. You pushed Bucky's arm away, freeing yourself.

"Can you get out" you asked him receiving a confused and shocked look back "So I can get changed"

Bucky got up, throwing the blanket and sheet back on the bed before leaving. You gently began to peel back the tac suit, hissing through your teeth at the pain of it. Once most of it was off, you put your sweatpants on and left your top, leaving you in your bra so you could access the bullet wound on your side.

You grabbed the first aid kit your brought and sat down on the chair. Then you heard Bucky knock at the door. "Can I come in now? It's fucking freezing"
"Yeah whatever"

As Bucky opened the door your saw you sitting on the chair in a bra and sweatpants, wiping blood away. He froze. He was in shock at how good you looked. You could feel his eyes on you causing you to sigh "Don't look at me like that, Barnes"

You twisted your hip up off the chair as you grabbed the tweezers from the box. You could see the base of the bullet from inside you. Bucky sat down on the bed watching you from the corner of his eye.

You tried your best but you could do it, you just couldn't get a grasp on the bullet lodged inside of you. You threw the tweezers down on the table with a whine. "do you want me to help"
"I can't ask you to do that Barnes"

"It's fine c'mon just lie down here" he patted the bed beside him.

You laid down with your shot hip up in the air. Bucky rested his metal arm above your bullet wounds and slowly went in with the tweezers. He was at it for a few minutes before he finally got a grip on it and gently pulled it out. Tears were running down your face and your chest was heaving in and out. You tried your best not to cry in front of Bucky but it was impossible with that pain running through your sides. You were about to sit back up when Bucky pushed you back down "hang on there we gotta stitch you up"

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