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Taehyung was seeing the scene Infront of him with anger . He was seeing his love was standing beside a man his heart felt pang
seeing them.
His fist clinched seeing them exchange the rings and he couldn't help but turn his face seeing them kiss and the priest announced them as Husband and wife and here taehyung's heart broke into million pieces hearing that.
Without waiting for second he left from there and sat in his car and left to his comforting place where he gets his mind calm down.
After an hour he reached the place .

Authors pov
It was a mansion between forest and there were no sign of people.
He opened the door and enter the room and breakdown on his knees
Taehyung: why ? Why ? I lost my Love why God why , I wanted to be in the place of that man but I can't now she is someonelse.
He wipped his tears and stood
Taehyung: I will not cry , yes I will not cry.
He stood from his place and came to balcony then stared at moon.
Taehyung: I hate you

Somewhere in Seoul

A boy was standing near Lake and admiring the view
Boy:the moon is so beautiful,
Then he heared someone calling his name
Boy: yes chim hyung
Jimin: koo dad
Jungkook: what happened to dad hyung
Jimin: koo dad arranged your marriage with kim jihoon
Jungkook stood frozen on his place
His dreams were broken just seconds ago he was dreaming about his better life and life partner but now he was standing frozen by his dad's decission

This day two things were broken one person's heart broke another one's dream.

But no one had idea that this one decision of jungkook's father will make huge impact on jungkook's and Taehyung's life.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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