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Jungkook hugged taehyung tightly when ghost appeared on screen Taehyung wrapped his arms around certain scared bunny and smilled secretly while inhaled the sweet Fragrance of jungkook.

Taehyung's pov
I wish I could stop the time here and he will be always in my arms.

Authors pov
Jin noticed two of them and cooed at them, jimin also smiled seeing them .
Jimin glanced at Jhope and yoongi

Jimin's pov
Should I give you a chance, should I give myself a chance should I accept you both.
Yoongi: you should
Jimin: did I spoke loudly
Yoongi: not much but loud enough to hear
Jimin smilled and hugged yoongi
Jimin: I am willing to give us a chance don't make me regret it
Yoongi: never
Jimin: we will talk about this to hobi hyung tommarrow
Yoongi: mnn
Jimin: I am sleepy
Yoongi: come here
Said while opening his arms
Jimin smiled and hugged yoongi and kept his head on his shoulder and fell asleep
Yoongi: love you wifey
Jimin: love you two hubby
Said in his sleep which made yoongi smile then yoongi noticed Jhope staring at them he smilled to him and ashored him that everything is fine while earning smile from Jhope.

Time skip
Movie was ended and taehyung noticed everyone are asleep jimin was sleeping while hugging yoongi, namjoon was sleeping while placing his head on Jin's lap
Jhope was sleeping while hugging the pillow taehyung sighed and got up to off the tv but he couldn't as he felt tight hold around him then he noticed jungkook was asleep while hugging taehyung's arm
Taehyung smilled and caressed jungkook's cheek slowly released his ( jungkook) hold from his arm and off the tv .
Taehyung: jungkook
But he didn't received any reply
Taehyung: bunny
Jungkook mumbled in sleep
Jungkook: mn
Taehyung: go to your room and sleep
Jungkook: carry me to my room
Taehyung felt his heart go crazy as jungkook lifted his hands motioning him to carry
Taehyung whole heartedly carried him in bridal style and took him to his room and placed him on bed and covered him with duet then kissed his forehead and was going to leave the room when jungkook held his hand
Jungkook: I am scared to sleep alone stay with me
Taehyung sighed and sat in chair which was beside bed
Jungkook: cuddles
Taehyung wanted to jump in joy hearing his bunny wanted to cuddle with him .
He removed his footwear and joined jungkook in bed and covered himself with duet( jungkook knows what he was saying to taehyung he was not that in sleep) jungkook put his( taehyung) hand around his( jungkook) waist and placed his head on taehyung's chest and hummed in statisfaction
Jungkook: now sleep
Taehyung: I just wish you were not asleep but awake while you asked me cuddle jungkook

Jungkook's pov
I am awake and I know what I am doing.
At last both of them fell asleep.
It was peaceful feeling , for the first time after so many days both slept without any tension and worries.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
Your author

I am going rush from here as so many chapters are remaining

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