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Taehyung: bunny
Taehyung: tommarrow we are going to Seoul
Jungkook became nervous hearing it
Taehyung: don't worry bun you are going to stay with me
Jungkook: no hyungi
Taehyung: what do you mean by no bun
Jungkook: hyungi they are my parents I can't leave them
Taehyung: but your dad
Jungkook: hyungi I know my dad he may act like he is rude and cold but I know he loves me and Jimin hyung , he always think about our well , you know when jimin hyung was going to study in London dad litterly cried like child , people think that he wants rule over us but in reality he is just too protective over us nothing else and I am 100% sure that when I will explain him correctly he will listen to me I know that.
Taehyung: but bunny what if he tries to
Jungkook: hyungi listen he will not do anything if he doesn't listen to me I will leave from there ok
Taehyung: hmm
Jungkook: what hmm
Taehyung: you can go but if he didn't listen to you then you
Jungkook: I will come back to you
Taehyung: ok
Taehyung said with gloomy face jungkook sighed
Jungkook: hyungi you trust me know
Taehyung: hmm
Jungkook: then don't worry and now stop pouting you cheeks are looking so cute and if you don't stop pouting I will bite them
Taehyung forwarded his face towards jungkook jungkook become confused
Jungkook: what
Taehyung: you can bite I don't mind
Jungkook: oh really
Taehyung nodded his head in yes like baby
Jungkook smilled brightly and pecked taehyung's cheek making taehyung smile

Taehyung's pov
I will not let anyone take my happiness away from me .

Time skip ( I am becoming lazy day by day )
Taehyung and jungkook reached Seoul taehyung was continuously pouting and jungkook was cooing at him they came out from airport and went towards the car and sat in it
Taehyung:bunny think again
Jungkook: hyungi everything will be fine don't worry
Taehyung started the car and in 2 hours they reached Jeon Mansion
Taehyung stopped the car
Jungkook: do you want to come with me
Taehyung: no it's ok you go but call me everyday and don't get manuflated by anyone
Jungkook: ok
Jungkook pecked taehyung's cheeks and got down from the car and took his luggage from car and said bye to taehyung
Taehyung: bye bunny , if you miss me just give one misscall I will run and will come here
Jungkook: ok
Taehyung drive away from the mansion and jungkook stared at gate till the car disappeard
Jungkook turned towards the main door and breathed in tension he rubbed his chest
Jungkook: you can do this jungkook , you have to do this for your and Taehyung's happiness.
Jungkook taking Deep breath rang the door bell and the door was surprisingly opened by his dad
Mr.jeon was shocked seeing his son standing Infront of him unharmed he literally pulled jungkook inside and hugged him
Jungkook hugged back
Mr.jeon: koo is this truly you
Jungkook: yes dad it's me only
Mrs.jeon: koo
Jungkook: mom
Mrs.jeon: what are you doing here
Jungkook: mom and dad come with me
He held both his parents hand and made them sit in couch and he sat infront them while kneeling down
Jungkook: dad I know you have your own thoughts about him but that just once listen to me correctly .
Mr.jeon: koo you came here to explain and not to meet us
Jungkook: dad listen to me
Mr.jeon: jungkook he is not good for you , he is murderer he killed so many people
Jungkook: dad I know that he killed Choi han yesterday
Mr.jeon: see he is murderer
Jungkook: dad he had a reason
Mr.jeon: but it doesn't give right to him to kill people
Jungkook: dad I don't know and I don't care about his past I care about only thing and that is his love towards me it's pure dad
Mr.jeon: bub this all things sounds good only in novels and movies not in real life
Jungkook: dad he makes me happy is love makes me happy, his evry single thing makes me happy
Mr.jeon: I know that bub I know that you are happy to be with him but he is not correct for you you don't know him bub he is just like his mom just like her she was mess she was obsessive person she gets obessed over her attached people or things easily and taehyung is exact carbon copy of his mother his love will one day will make you
Suffer and his obsesssion will suffocate you
Jungkook: dad you know I think I am also a mess
Mr.jeon: what
Jungkook: dad his love love is limitless dad , whenever he express his love towards me I feel like heaven dad I am ready to be with him dad , his love will never suffocate me and about his problem I know what do about it
I just need my dad's support , dad will you support me , will you let me love him will you let me make him feel loved will you let me make him cured will you let me make his insecurities, his nightmare disappear will you let me
Mr.jeon was staring at his son he saw determination in jungkook's eyes , he saw love in his eyes
Mr.jeon: fine I will agree for this
Mrs.jeon was shocked hearing it
Mr.jeon: what I am not that heartless yes I wanted to marry him to my business partner son but I can see how much he loves him so it's not bad to give him chance
Hearing it jungkook hugged his dad and mrs.kim also hugged them
Jungkook: thanks dad , I will say this to hyungi he will be so happy
Jungkook ran towards his room
Mrs.jeon: take his luggage to his room
Said to servent
Mr.jeon: I am sorry
Mrs.jeon: why
Mr.jeon: I was bilinded by anger that's why I slapped you I am sorry
Mrs.jeon: if you want me to forgive you then call taehyung and ask him to attend dinner with us
Mr.jeon: fine I was thinking the same thing anyway
Mrs.jeon's pov
Bitch(mrs.kim) now see my husband also agreed now I will see who will hurt my babies.

??'s pov
So Jeon agreed for their relationship , another step is completed .
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
Your author
I am running the story because i want to complete this story early before October I have to complete it.

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