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Kim Mansion
Jihoon was waiting for his brothers and jungkook and jimin were also present there . Mrs.kim glanced at jungkook and decided to talk to him
Mrs.kim: jungkook
Jungkook: yes mrs.kim
Mrs.kim: it's just that please make sure that taehyung doesn't stay with you , just avoid him ok
Jungkook frowned in confusion
Jihoon: mom please why you hate taehyung that much jungkook please don't listen to her
Mrs.kim: but
?: Why you can't stop talking about me
Jihoon: taehyung
Taehyung: hello hyung
Jimin: hello taehyung
Taehyung: hello jimin
Taehyung turned and saw jungkook was busy at staring him he smirked inside his mind
Jimin pinched jungkook making him come out from his thoughts
Jungkook: hi taehyung
Taehyung: hello jungkook
Taekook's pov
My name sounded so nice from his voice.
Jihoon: wait where is yoongi
Jimin: he will come wait for minutes
Jihoon: fine
Taehyung was staring at jungkook and jungkook felt gaze on him he turned towards the person and seeing taehyung staring at him he hurriely turned his head and blushed which was noticed by Mrs.kim
Mrs.kim held taehyung's wrist and dragged him towards garden
Taehyung: leave my hand
Mrs.kim: what's cooking inside your head taehyung
Taehyung: nothing
Mrs.kim: stay away from jungkook
It was trigger to taehyung's anger he fishted his hands in anger
Taehyung: WHAT IF I SAY NO
Mrs.kim: don't be cheap taehyung he is your brothers soon to be husband
Taehyung: soon to be not husband at so I can do whatever I want and  you are right there is something cooking inside my mind and it includes jungkook and
He moved near her
Taehyung left from there living mrs.kim
Mrs.kim: he is not going to listen to me  and I saw something in his eyes it was beyond love , he is getting obessed with jungkook , it just one day he is becoming like this if jungkook stays with him for two weeks he will seriously kill my son just to be with jungkook. I have to do something.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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