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Taehyung and Jungkook reached kim mansion , taehyung got down hurriely
Jungkook: hyung no getting anger , listen to her calmly
Taehyung: no bunny I can't listen to her calmly I am not angry at her I am disappointed in her bunny , she was alive she was alive these years but she didn't come to see her son , I was in pain , I was broken but she never came
Jungkook: hyung please don't cry we will talk to her ok we will get the answer just don't loose your calm

Inside the mansion
Aerum was now roaming here and there
Mr.jeon: now he who is roaming
Aerum: listen bitch stop getting on my nerves I freaking out
Mr.jeon: god not infront of them
Aerum/ Mr.Jeon sat in one go
Then they saw taehyung and jungkook entering inside
Taehyung: so care to explain everything
Mr.jeon: wait for minute brat, jungkook are you fine, you didn't get any hurt
Jungkook: I am totally fine dad
Taehyung was just staring at his mother with question and sad eyes
Aerum felt hurt seeing her son's eyes filled with sadness
Aerum: you all sit here I will answer the questions
They all sat living taehyung jungkook sighed and made him sit
Jungkook: hyung please sit
Taehyung sat beside jungkook
Aerum: so ask me question  I will answer
Taehyung: how you are alive
Mr.jeon: I will answer for that, Whatever Aera said about aerum's death was lie , Aerum didn't attempted die that day
Taehyung: but body
Aerum: it was not me, it was someone who was dead that day
When you fell uconsious your dad came and took us hospital and admitted me there when I got my sense back I called Jeon and asked him to meet me in cafe ,I requested doctor to announce daehhyung that I was dead then I secretly ran out from the hospital but I didn't know that aera was watching me the whole time I called my brother and asked him to bring my passport and You also I planned to leave Seoul go to other country
When my brother reached the cafe he said that you were admitted to hospital and guards were present so he couldn't bring you
Taehyung: so you left me here and went to other country and lived your life happily and here I was suffering
Aerum felt tears form on her tears
Aerum: I am sorry
Mr.jeon: yes taehyung she had no idea what you have been going through and it not because she was in other country it's because she was laying in hospital bed in coma
They all stared at him with widden eyes
Mr.jeon: after meeting her brother she herself decided to bring taehyung so she drive the car towards hospital and your uncle was in there but aera planned something very bad , she made their car got into accident and your uncle died in spot and aerum went to coma , she was in coma for freaking 10 years she got her concious after 10 years and I explained everything to her
Jin: so uncle you know everything then also you helped mrs.kim
Mr.jeon: I wanted to know everything about her and her business , I didn't had any other choice I wanted to save my bestfriend so I have to act infront her
Taehyung: so everything every single thing happened in my life because of that selfish, evil women and my so called dad I WILL KILL THEM , I WILL FREAKING KILL THEM
Jungkook: hyung we shouldn't take any step in anger
Jungkook: hyung it's ok everything will be fine, you promised me remember you promised that you will not let your anger control you so don't take any decision I know it's too much information for you so you have to first calm down and think about everything ok
Taehyung: I need some time alone bunny please don't come back of me just for today , because right now I am angry and I don't want to hurt you so please don't follow me
After hearing the truth taehyung couldn't take it so he went towards his room jungkook was going but aerum stopped him
Aerum: I will go
Jungkook backed away aerum went towards taehyung's room
Jungkook: dad why you didn't tell us anything
Mr.jeon: it was complicated koo If I had said the truth aerum would have been dead and Taehyung's life would have been in danger
Jungkook: dad he was hurt
Mr.jeom: I know bunny but I was helpless

In taehyung's room
He was overhelmed by everything
Taehyung: Why ? Why everything happened to me god, Why
Then he saw his mother was standing near door
Taehyung: I said I want to be alone
Aerum: taehyung
Taehyung: why why
Aerum felt pang on her chest hearing her son's trembling voice
Aerum: son please don't cry
Taehyung: why mom why this all happened to us
She hugged him and taehyung cried harder so did aerum
Taehyung: I was hurt
Aerum: I know I know please forgive your mother for not being there when you wanted
Taehyung: Mom I am tired of everything mom I am tired, mom I want to sleep will you caress my hair
Aerum nodded her head in yes
Taehyung kept his head on aerum's lap and both of them felt warmth, she slowly caressed his hair and taehyung felt darkness forming infront of his eyes and he fell asleep.
Aerum smilled seeing it
Aerum's pov
I am sorry son, because of my sister you have gone through so much , Don't worry taebear I will not let anyone hurt you from now on , Now your mother is back I will make her pay for every bad deed she has done.

In Downstairs
Mr.jeon: koo you look tired you go and sleep
Jin: uncle let him eat something then he can rest
Jungkook: but hyungi
Jimin: he will be fine koo , Aunty is there no let them spend some time together they both need it.
Jungkook: mn
Jin: ok I will ask maid to prepare the table.
Yoongi: I am not hungry
Jhope: yoongi I know what you are feeling it's ok we are here don't need of hiding your pain
Yoongi: I
Jimin: yoongi hyung I know how much you loved your father don't worry we will make pay for her deeds
Yuna: this day was filled with shocks I wish tommarrow will be good day
Mr.jeon: it will
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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