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Jeon Mansion
Mrs.jeon was sitting on couch while mrs.jeon was looking at him in so done expression
Mrs.jeon: jae why the hell are sitting like this
Mr.jeon: I am disappointed in my son's
Mrs.jeon: what
Mr.jeon: my both son became like this just because they got their lover and husband
Mrs.jeon: what are you saying
Mr.jeon: I lost my son's
Mrs.jeon: whose fault is that
Mr.jeon: taehyung and yoongi
Mrs.jeon: this man
Mr.jeon: I will take my son's away from them
Mrs.jeon: what the hell are you talking
Mr.jeon: yes I will take them away from them are I will remarry them to my partner's son's
Mrs.jeon: you know what I am living this house you are becoming worse by staying with that whore
Mr.jeon: ok leave me I don't care but I will not let that two to ruin my son's life
Mrs.jeon: you are the one who ruining their life not them
Mr.jeon was so angry that he without waiting slapped mrs.jeon who fell from the impact of slap
Mrs.jeon: wow now you are being abusive congratulations mr.jeon you are perfect bestfriend of mr.kim both are abusive
Mr.jeon left from there and mrs.jeon broke into tears
Mrs.jeon: baby bunny please don't leave taehyung, don't fall in the trap of your father and that bitch.

Somewhere in Seoul
??: Hello Jin hyung
Jin: what
??: I want to meet taehyung
Jin: I don't know if he will agree or not
??: Hyung it's urgent
Jin: Bogum you know how much he hates you
Bogum: hyung it's about --------
Jin: fine I will talk to him after he comes to Seoul
Bogum: thanks hyung
Jin: mn by the way how is she
Bogum: fine
Jin: then ok
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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