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Taehyung and jungkook reached the place jungkook was mesmerized by the sight infront of him it was river and the night sky was filled with bright star
Jungkook: wow it's amazing
Taehyung: it is
Jungkook: how do you know this place
Taehyung: my mom used to come here whenever she feels sad or angry the atmosphere here makes me feel better
Jungkook: do you miss your mom
Taehyung: I miss her so much  she was the only one who loved me , she was the only one who took care of me after loosing her I lost so many things
Jungkook: you know when I first saw you I thought you are cold person but after talking to you I think it's not like that
Taehyung's pov
Only for you jungkook
Jungkook: it's beautiful place
Taehyung: see I said no it will make you feel better
Jungkook: it does made me feel better
Taehyung: so about marriage
Jungkook: I don't know what to do
I dont want to marry your brother but if I say this to my dad he will be hurt and I don't want that
Taehyung: why you always think about him why not think about yourself
Jungkook: because I Love them , I love my parents and if they are happy seeing me marrying your brother i will do that
Taehyung stared at jungkook with unreadable expression
Taehyung's pov
Now I am jealous of your parents koo , if you can do anything for your parents because you love them then I also wants to be loved by you I want you to love me by your will or forcefully I don't know how but I want you to love me
Jungkook: what are you thinking
Taehyung: nothing. You know You are the first person I bought here
Jungkook: lier
Taehyung:I am not lieng you are the first person I bought here
Jungkook: why
Said while staring at taehyung
Taehyung: just felt like that
Said while staring back at jungkook
Jungkook: why I feel like you are lieing
Taehyung: I am not I just felt like bringing you here I don't know why I bring you here
Jungkook: but you are eyes are saying something else
Taehyung: what are they saying
Jungkook: I don't know but I feel like you know why you bring me here
They were staring at eachother while speaking in this movement taehyung's eyes were stuck on beauty infront of him jungkook's face was glowing in light of moon
Taehyung eyes travelled from his eyes to jungkook's cute lips then mole under his lips which taehyung clearly wanted to bite
Jungkook noticed taehyung's stare and felt heat rush through his face
Taehyung was mesmerized by the sight infront of him
Taehyung's pov
don't blush jungkook you don't know what you are doing to me .
Taehyung cleared his thoughts and throat making jungkook come back to his sense jungkook was embraced seeing the closeness of their faces so he backed
Taehyung: shall we leave or you want to enjoy the view
Jungkook: mmm
Taehyung: Is it yes or no
Jungkook: yes let's leave
Taehyung: ok you wait near bike I will come in minute
Jungkook nodded his head and went from there

Jungkook's pov
What were you thinking, what's happening to me why my heart his beating like I ran marathon

Taehyung's pov
Mom how is your Son-in-law isn't he cute I know he is cute , he is perfect for me no mom. He was correct mom I know why I bought him here I wanted him to see this place I wanted him to know about me I wanted him to see tension free for minute and it did worked
I think you are happy seeing your son-in-law .bye mom he is waiting for me.

Author's pov
Taehyung reached were jungkook was standing
Taehyung: don't worry jungkook everything will be fine
Jungkook: I think so but I am happy that I am going to get perfect brother-in-law
Taehyung fisted his hands mumbled to himself
Taehyung: brother-in-law (scoped)  sorry bunny but you should say perfect husband
Jungkook: did you say anything
Taehyung: no , did you hear anything
Jungkook: no
Taehyung: then let's go come
Jungkook: mmm

Trailer of next part

Namjoon: taehyung stop this you are getting obessed over him
Taehyung: no hyung I am not I love him jin hyung say your husband that I am not obessed over jungkook I love him too much
Jin: bear I know I know don't hurt yourself keep the knife down
Taehyung: then say your husband to not to say me to stay away from my bun
Jin: he will not say anything ok bear just keep down the kinfe
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
I was busy with my sister's wedding now I am free and I am going to update everyday
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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