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They reached the mall
Yoongi: Jhope and jimin are coming with me we will meet you after shopping in entrance
Namjoon: me and jin go to that store come baby
Jin stared namjoon with surprise as he was going to say the same thing
Namjoon dragged jin with him living to blushing human beings
Taehyung: so where you want to go
Jungkook: let's just bring some cloths
Taehyung: there is store come lets go
Jungkook: hmm
They entered inside the store
?: Welcome sir , how can I help you
Taehyung: show him the best cloths of your shop
?: Ok sir.  Please come this way
They were choosing the cloths when taehyung got call
Taehyung: I will Just come in minute
?: You are lucky to have him as your boyfriend sir , you both look cute together made for eachother
Jungkook: thanks I guess
Taehyung: finished
Jungkook: yes
Taehyung: ok you wait in counter I will come in minute
Jungkook left from there and taehyung gave some money to the person
?: Why sir
Taehyung: thanks for saying that we look cute together .
?: It's true sir you both are made for eachother
Taehyung smilled to the person and left from there
After paying they come out
Jungkook: why you payed I was going to pay
Taehyung: you pay or me it's same don't be sad come lets go to food corner
When they were going to food store they saw jimin and Jhope, suga coming towards them while smilling jungkook felt good seeing them together
Jungkook: he considered my suggestion
Jimin saw jungkook and hugged him by the time taehyung was confused as hell
Taehyung: can anyone explain me
Jhope: we are in relationship
Taehyung: wait you three
Jimin: yeah
Taehyung: wow that's so nice congratulations I guess
Jin: why congratulations
Taehyung: hyung three of them are in relationship
Jin: congratulations yoonminseok finally my ship as sailed now I am waiting for my other ship to sail
Yoonmin: me also

After shopping and having food they all played games in game section , they took photos and taehyung brought a tiger plushie for jungkook and jungkook brought bunny plushie for taehyung .( Yoonminseok and namjins date part I will explain in special parts)
Jungkook: thanks for this gift taetae hyungi
Taehyung: my pleasure and I loved the nickname
Jungkook blushed and hugged plushie tightly
Jin: okay so let's go to house I am tired joona please carry this bags
Namjoon: I know I will carry
Jhope: give this to me jimina
Yoongi: don't accept me to carry your bag give to him only
Jhope: it's ok chim give to me
Jungkook: taehyung give it back I will carry
Taehyung: it's ok bunny just come I will carry it's not heavy
Jungkook blushed hearing his nickname and followed taehyung.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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