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Taehyung noticed jungkook coming towards him and he got stunned seeing jungkook

Taehyung's pov
How can you look this breathtaking

Jungkook stood infront of taehyung but taehyung was in his own thoughts
Jungkook: hyung hyungi
Taehyung's thought were broken by jungkook
Jungkook: hyungi are you fine
Taehyung: yeah i am fine
Jungkook: so
Taehyung: so your looking cute and beautiful bun
Jungkook blushed hearing it
Jungkook: you also looking handsome hyungi
Taehyung:oh thanks I guess
Taehyung: let's go come
Taehyung and jungkook entered the car
Jungkook: where we are going hyung
Taehyung: it's my favorite restaurant I used to go with mom there after her death whenever I come here I will go there
Jungkook: oh you love your mom so much know
Taehyung: yes my mom was my world , she is the only one person who made me feel safe and comfortable , she was my everything but after loosing her it was so difficult for me but then I met someone it was only 3 months attachment but he made big impact in my life because of him I changed myself but in accident I lost him I don't remember how he looks but only thing I know is he was second person who meant lot to me ,
Jungkook: hyung are you seriously going to share your past life in car only
Taehyung: yes jungkook because I don't want to share these things in there we are going to have dinner and have movement I don't want ruin it with my pathetic past
Jungkook: then stop the car see there is park we can sit there and talk till there is time
Taehyung stopped the car and they went towards the park and they sat on bench ( I am rushing because there are so many parts remaining)
Taehyung: so jungkook I am going to share my past to you
Jungkook: hyungi before that can I ask you one thing
Taehyung: sure
Jungkook: hyungi about your past living jin and joon hyung no one knows then why are so comfortable with me to share it

Taehyung's pov
Because you are going to be my future so I want you know everything about my past

⚠️ There is going to be mention of domestic abuse and sucide⚠️

Taehyung: I don't know I just feel  comfortable with you ,you are special so listen to me correctly
Jungkook nodded his head

Taehyung: I was 4 year old , that day was my mom's birthday me and my mom went to orphanage to celebrate her birthday after celebrating when we come back we saw my father and women are kissing being 4year old I didn't understand what was happening there but I only knew one thing my mom was crying , she was crying and you know I didn't understand why then after the lady left our home me and mom went inside the house dad was sitting on couch while holding some file my mom ignored him and went towards the room my dad noticed her and stopped her and wished her my mom was sad but she controlled herself and fake smilled and covered her pain with fake smile .
After this on my 5 birthday I was waiting for my mom and dad to come and wish me but no one came so I came downstairs and I heard my mom's shouting I got scared and ran towards voice you know there I saw my dad beating my mom with belt and she was crying I wanted to help her so I went towards them I asked my dad to let her go but my dad was fully drunk he pushed me away and again started to hit her I was crying seeing my mother getting hurt
Taehyung was sobbing while explaining about this jungkook was stunned hearing it

Jungkook's pov
I thought mr.kim was good person

Taehyung:after getting satisfaction by beating he let go of her and went towards the room I ran towards my mom and called maid and she helped me ,  maid called doctor and my mom was treated by her then morning my dad came towards the room I got scared seeing him so I was going to close the door but my strength was nothing infront of him he came towards her my mom was still sleeping I thought he was going to again beat her but he fell on his knees and started to cry he was saying sorry to her several times but I didn't understand why then afternoon my mom got concious and she said me that dad was angry that's why he beat her and she said it will not repeated again but she was wrong I heard every night I heard her crying every night , I heard her shouting in pain but I couldn't do anything as my dad used to lock the door and he also fired all the maids . It was becoming routine you know in the morning I used see my mom smiling like nothing happened but I know how she was hurting, for fucking three years she bared all the pain but one day when I came from school I saw that lady again in my house my mom was in kitchen so I went towards her I asked her who is she my mom the lady was dad's friend after that my mom was serving her food but that lady intentionally spilled curry on herself and accused my mom my dad became angry and he slapped my mother that lady was smiling seeing my mom's misery I was trying to stop my dad but the lady slapped me and locked me up in dark room . From that room I was hearing every discusting word my dad was saying to my mom, I was hearing sound of whip , I heared her shouting . After an hour my dad opened the door and I ran towards my mom she was laying unconscious I called jin hyung he was my cousin jin hyung came and he helped me to call doctor and my mom was treated by her , After that day it was peaceful my mom was getting better she was curing and my dad didn't beat her but no one knows that my mom was suffering from dippresion , you know that day I came back from my school I went towards my mom's room and found on floor and the floor was covered with blood I was terrified seeing this I went towards her try to wake her up but she didn't I was feeling scared I called dad but he didn't picked up u called jin hyung and he came when he saw my mom's state he became stunned  she left me jungkook my only source of happiness left me I couldn't save my mom she left me

Taehyung was crying at this point jungkook pulled him in hug and taehyung hugged jungkook tightly
Taehyung: I am useless son bunny I couldn't save my mom
Jungkook: shhh hyungi please don't cry it was not your fault don't cry
Taehyung: I am sorry jungkook I wanted to take you on dinner but
Jungkook: it's ok hyungi , do you want to complete
Taehyung: no not now I will say another time remaining my past
Jungkook: shall we go to house
Taehyung nodded his head
Jungkook: I will drive you sit here
Jungkook sat in driving seat Taehyung sat beside him jungkook held taehyung's hand
Jungkook: Hyungi you are best son, don't think like that kk you are best son you are mom will be so proud of you
Taehyung stared at jungkook with so much love

Taehyung's pov
Mom you sent him know , you couldn't see your son alone that's why you sent him to me na mom .
Mom I want him to be always with me mom . Thanks for sending angle to me.
I know it was not good sorry for rushing but I have to complete it there are so many parts remaining so it has to be rushed
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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